Brawl Stars: Best Brawlers to Play for Showdown Rockwall Brawl Map

Here's some quick tips and guide on how to survive and win Brawl Star's Showdown event mode (Rockwall Brawl Map), in the fast-paced multiplayer online battle arena mobile game app for Android and iOS players.

Before anything else, also refer to our guide here for basic info on Showdown, I will no longer explain some of them on this guide. Link here: Brawl Stars: How To Survive, Win, and Farm Trophies in Showdown
Brawl Stars: Best Brawlers to Play for Showdown Rockwall Brawl Map

Solo Showdown Map List:

   - Cavern Churn
   - Dune Drift
   - Hot Maze
   - Skull Creek
   - Stormy Plains

Solo Showdown (Rockwall Brawl Map)

Quick Map Details:

Spawn Points

   - 2 players for every sides of the map forcing them to fight for Power Cubes. The other 2 will spawn at the center which is more advantageous if there are lots of Boxes.

Boxes and Power Cubes

   - Spawns randomly from those usual spots, even the center area can have a lot or with only few boxes. No corner boxes but 1 box may also spawn near those wide bushes.
   - Some Boxes located at the sides near those spawn points are somewhat covered with walls and skulls, be careful not to get trapped here when breaking these boxes, mind the incoming poison clouds.

   - Memorize their locations to help you decide where to go early on. Watch the "Map Preview" right from the start to check the locations of the boxes.

Other Map Details

   - Corner areas got some wide bushes, a nice place for melee Brawlers to hide early on. Other than that, bushes here are limited so scouting would be a bit easier. Lots of walls too, so expect Throwers to play here as well.
Brawl Stars - Rockwall Brawl Attack Through Walls
(TIP: Note that you can also attack through walls!)

   - Team-Ups: Team-ups are rampant here which would make the whole match so toxic that it is no longer ideal for solo players. Example: More than 2 Throwers teaming up together~lol. If this happens a lot, better avoid playing this map for now.

Suggested Brawlers for Farming Trophies

Camper Mode (Fast Breakers and Ambushers)

Brawl Stars - ShellyBrawl Stars - ColtBrawl Stars - BullBrawl Stars - El PrimoBrawl Stars - Leon
   - Examples: Shelly, Colt, Bull, El Primo, Leon, and similar Brawlers.
   - Recommended Power Lvl: At least 6 or 7 for 380+ Trophies.

   - Getting 10th or 9th place here isn't common unless you are too aggressive and careless. Also, if you find your matches too long because of campers, try to play again after a couple of minutes to reshuffle competing players.

Your Aim (Quick Tips and Strategies)

   - Grab Power Cubes as fast as possible because this map forces you to compete for Power Cubes.

   - Once you are done or most of the boxes are gone, quickly go to a safe area, preferably near the corners. Wait for ambush opportunities (for more Power Cubes) while hiding, or wait until there are only around 6 survivors left, before going a bit aggressive (better for ranged Brawlers).

   - Avoid getting sandwiched or trapped, transfer quickly to a not so crowded area if needed.
   - Moving from bushes to bushes can be tricky, so always watch enemy movements to learn when to move. Example: When they are no enemies nearby or while they are fighting.

   - Note: If there are too many Throwers, better stay hidden and let them do some of the killing.

Camper Mode (Range+HP)

Brawl Stars - NitaBrawl Stars - FrankBrawl Stars - Pam
   - Examples: Nita, Frank, Pam, and similar Brawlers.
   - Recommended Power Lvl: At least 6 or 7 for 380+ Trophies.

   - Here's some example Brawlers that you might also want to use.
   - Same strategy above.
   - Most of the time, the end game would be a 4 or 5 way stand-offs, so having a range and decent HP is an advantage. Plus, they would usually go and kill off low HP Brawlers first.

Aggressive Mode (Throwers)

Brawl Stars - Barley
   - This map can also be controlled by Throwers like Barley and Dynamike because of their advantage to throw attacks over obstacles, and most especially because of those team-ups!
   - Recommended Power Lvl: At least 6 or 7 for 380+ Trophies.

Your Aim (Quick Tips and Strategies)

   - Grab Power Cubes that you can and try to charge up your Super early on by harassing other Brawlers near those boxes.

   - Map Control: Control the area you are in to force other Brawlers to move away and disrupt other campers or players. Ambush players to trap them, or attack and sandwich brawlers that are being attacked.

   - Avoid getting sandwiched or trapped, transfer quickly to a not so crowded area if needed. Defeat high HP brawlers if possible because they might pose a threat later on.

   - Never use manual aiming to fight moving targets, especially melee Brawlers. Drop your attacks right behind you when being chased.
   - If you see or hear a Leon using his Super, start spamming attacks on possible paths he might take to get to you.

   - Once those poison clouds closes in to the center, use those obstacles to your advantage. Do not let anyone come near you, throw your bombs in between you and your enemy to fend them off, or to damage and kill them if they come nearer.
   - You have lower HP so they might target you first, so pick your fights well and quickly lower someone else HP.

Aggressive Mode (Multi Hitters)

Brawl Stars - JessieBrawl Stars - Penny
   -  I would also suggest Jessie and Penny here because of their ability to use boxes to attack enemies! Their normal attacks are also good against teamers since they love to stick together, but still be careful though because these guys are squishy.
   - Recommended Power Lvl: At least 6 or 7 for 380+ Trophies.

Your Aim (Quick Tips and Strategies)

   - Be aggressive, sneaky and use your attacks accurately.
   - Example: If you spawned near the sides, move away a bit until the immunity barrier disappears (to let them think you went away), then quickly go back to harass while hidden from those bushes, be careful though make sure that your target is going for the boxes first). Another way is to move and let them have the boxes, wait for them to come closer, then go back and spam your attacks (use manual aim if needed to target nearest box to the target).
   - Note: If you can sink all Penny's 3 attacks using a box, you can possibly instantly kill a Bull!

   - Once you are done or most of the boxes are gone, quickly go to a safe area, preferably near the corners. Wait for ambush opportunities (for more Power Cubes) while hiding, or wait until there are only around 6 survivors left, before going a bit aggressive.

   - Keep your turrets coming, best if there are only few Throwers to keep them safe. If there are too many Throwers, better stay hidden and let them do some of the killing.
   - If available, use your turrets as shield or when being chased to redirect their auto attacks.

   - Once those poison clouds closes in to the center, take cover and use your turrets to help you out. You have lower HP so they might target you first, so pick your fights well and quickly lower someone else HP.

More Tips For Jessie:

Brawl Stars - Rockwall Brawl Jessie Scout
   - Note that Jessie's normal attacks (after hitting a box or an enemy), will most likely bounce to the nearest enemy or box regardless if it's hidden or not, so use this to determine the locations of your enemies.

   - Example: The screenshot above shows that you can scout that wide bushes by only using 1 attack! If the bounce goes to the bushes, that means you have an enemy lurking inside, but if it bounces the other way, then you can safely hide there. Best done once the poison clouds kicks in to close the paths from the sides.

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