Here's a quick guide and tips for Nova Grappler Beast Deity Deck users in the RPG mobile card game Vanguard ZERO. Available for Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store).
When Illuminal Dragon attacks, you can stand 2 Beast Deity rear-guards. What sets this apart from other units is that regardless of Drive Checks or hits, the cards will stand! pair this with units like Yamatano Drake which power up when it stands to attack continuously!

Nova Grappler Beast Deity Deck
Notable Info
- Cross Ride Vanguard = Permanent +2000 Power when condition is met.- Multi Attacks = Can attack more than 3 times in 1 turn.

First Vanguard and Sentinel Cards (PG)

- Beast Deity, White Tiger (FV) = When the attack this unit boosted hits a Vanguard, CB1 and put it into your Soul to stand 1 of your "Beast Deity" rear-guards.
- Twin Blader (G1) and/or Beast Deity, Solar Falcon (G1) = Add x4.

Recommended Cards (Must Have)

- Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) = Add up to x4, one of your main or sub Vanguards for this build.
- Ultra Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon (G3) = Aim for x4, your main Vanguard for this build.
- Beast Deity, Ethics Buster (G3) = Aim for x4, one of your sub Vanguards for this build and for activating "Break Rides".
- Would also recommend getting all "Beast Deity" cards below.
Suggested Cards To Add (Budget Cards)
Grade 1 Cards
- Beast Deity, Blank Marsh (G1) = Add x2~x4. When the attack this unit boosted hits a Vanguard, CB1 and put this unit into your Soul to stand 1 of your "Beast Deity" rear-guards.
- Beast Deity, Hilarity Destroyer (G1) = Add up to x4, used to filter cards in hand.
- Beast Deity, Scarlet Bird (G1) = Add x2~x3, a Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) searcher.
- Death Army Guy (G1) = Add x2~x3. When your drive check reveals a grade 3, stand this unit.
- Energy Charger (G1) = Limit to x1 or x2. When placed, SB2 to draw a card.
- Tough Boy (G1) = Add x2~x3, nice base Power and Defense.
Grade 2 Cards
- Beast Deity, Black Tortoise (G2) = Add up to x3, a Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) searcher. You may also reduce this if you added 2 or less Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) cards in deck. - Beast Deity, Damned Leo (G2) = Add up to x4, nice base Power and Defense.
- Beast Deity, Golden Anglet (G2) = Add x3~x4. When this unit stands during your Battle Phase, it gets +4,000 Power until end of turn.
- Beast Deity, Hatred Chaos (G2) = Add up to x3~x4, can reach 12,000 Power if you have a "Beast Deity" Vanguard.

- Magician Girl, Kirara (G2) = Limit to x2~x3, when attack hits, CB2 to draw a card.
- Transrazier (G2) = Add x1~x4. When placed, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is Grade 2 or less, call it. If not, shuffle your deck.
- NOTE: Feel free to try other cards not listed here, and add any Grade 3 cards you have available, just make sure to follow the recommended Trigger Set below.
- Transrazier (G2) = Add x1~x4. When placed, reveal the top card of your deck. If that card is Grade 2 or less, call it. If not, shuffle your deck.
Grade 3 Cards
- Beast Deity, Yamatano Drake (G3) = Add up to x4. When this unit stands during your battle phase, it gets +4,000 Power until end of turn.- NOTE: Feel free to try other cards not listed here, and add any Grade 3 cards you have available, just make sure to follow the recommended Trigger Set below.
RRR and Other Cards (If Available)
- NOTE: Feel free to try other cards not listed here, and add any Grade 3 cards you have available, just make sure to follow the recommended Trigger Set below.
Example Deck Builds
- NOTE: For cards that you don't have, just use the guide above to add filler cards to your deck for now, but if you want to add cards to the existing ones, feel free to do so. Also note that new cards might become available in the future, so feel free to test them out as well.

(*Use as reference, feel free to remove/add cards. Sentinel Cards ("Perfect Guards") have different activation conditions, add x4 depending on your preference.)
(*Replace x2 Grade 1 "Beast Diety" cards with Tough Boy (G1) if you like.)
(*Replace x1~x3 Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) with Beast Deity, Yamatano Drake (G3) if you like.)

Trigger Sets
Rank Fight Trigger Set
- Critical Trigger (x0), Draw Trigger (x9), Stand Trigger (x0), and Heal Trigger (x4)- Refer to the build above (screenshot) for example Triggers Set for specific cards.
For Non Rank Fight Battles
- NOTE: Feel free to experiment with other Trigger Sets according to your preference. Add more Critical Triggers and/or Stand Triggers if you want to use this deck for certain events, like non Rank Fights that would require you to finish the battle asap.
Nova Grappler Battle Strategies
Mulligan (Starting Cards)
- Any Grade 1 Cards (G1) = Keep x1 or x2, to ensure a Grade 1 Vanguard.
- Any Grade 2 Cards (G1) = Keep x1 or x2, to ensure a Grade 2 Vanguard.
- Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) = Keep x1, to ensure a Grade 3 ride.
- Beast Deity, Ethics Buster (G3) = Keep x1 if you did not get Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3).
- Sentinel Card (G1) = Keep at least x1.
- Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) = Keep x1, to ensure a Grade 3 ride.
- Beast Deity, Ethics Buster (G3) = Keep x1 if you did not get Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3).
- Sentinel Card (G1) = Keep at least x1.
Basic Battle Strategies
- For this deck build, focus on rushing your opponent by using stand effects (multi-attacks) and buff ups to strengthen your columns.- Try to ride Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) to activate Ultra Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon's (G3) Cross Ride skill later on.
- Focus on using Beast Deity, Azure Dragon's (G3) Persona Blasts early on if available and while your Damage is less than 4, or ride Beast Deity, Ethics Buster (G3) to setup his "Break Ride" skill once you get 3 or 4 Damage.
- In case of a miss-ride, go and ride any viable Grade 3 Vanguard for now, then re-ride to your preferred Grade 3 Vanguard/s depending on the situation.

How to Use Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3)

- (VC): When this unit's attack hits a Vanguard, Persona Blast (discard a Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) from your hand) to stand 2 of your rear-guards.
- It's skill is on hit, so try to use this while your opponent's Damage is 4 or less.
- If you have few Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) cards added in deck, you can skip this and focus on using your other "Beast Deity" Grade 3 cards.
How To Use Ultra Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon (G3)

- (VC): LB4 When it attacks a Vanguard, CB2 to stand 2 of your "Beast Deity" rear-guards.
- Excellent finisher if you have enough "Beast Deity" cards with decent Power (front row) and Boosters in play (place Sentinel Cards (PG) if needed), even better if you can also get Trigger buffs.
- Note that if your opponent got 4 Damage, it is possible to end the battle by using this skill to help you attack 4 or 5 times in 1 turn!
- Note that if your opponent got 4 Damage, it is possible to end the battle by using this skill to help you attack 4 or 5 times in 1 turn!
- With Beast Deity, Ethics Buster's (G3) "Break Ride", 5 attacks should be easier to execute, and also possible with other Grade 3 cards like Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3).
- (VC): When this unit is boosted, it gets +3,000 Power until end of battle.
- With Cross Ride numbers, this unit can reach 16,000 Power (22,000 Power with a 6,000 Power Booster).
- (VC): Cross Ride If Beast Deity, Azure Dragon (G3) is in your Soul, this unit gets +2,000 Power.
- A 13,000 base Power Vanguard would force your opponent to adjust their combos to 13k/18k/23k.
Counter Blasts

- Beast Deity, White Tiger (FV) = When the attack this unit boosted hits a Vanguard, CB1 and put it into your Soul to stand 1 of your "Beast Deity" rear-guards.
- Beast Deity, Blank Marsh (G1) = When the attack this unit boosted hits a Vanguard, CB1 and put this unit into your Soul to stand 1 of your "Beast Deity" rear-guards. - Ultra Beast Deity, Illuminal Dragon (G3) = LB4 When it attacks a Vanguard, CB2 to stand 2 of your "Beast Deity" rear-guards.
- Magician Girl, Kirara (G2) = When attack hits, CB2 to draw a card.
- Note: Also consider other card effects that requires Counter Blasts if needed.Soul Blasts

- Energy Charger (G1) = When placed, SB2 to draw a card.
- NOTE: Also consider other cards that can do Soul Blasts if needed.

More Vanguard ZERO Tips and Guides:
- Beginner's Tips Re-Rolling Guide
- Beginner's Quick Tips and Guide

- Beginner's Quick Battle Tips

- Farming Materials and Crafting Cards Tips and Guide

That's it guys, thank you for checking our Nova Grappler Beast Deity Deck Build and Guide for the Card Battle RPG mobile game - Vanguard ZERO. Available for Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store).