Here are some tips on how to increase your reputation in-game to unlock trading features and enable buying and selling in the Marketplace in the building platform, simulation, and adventure game - Pixels (

How To Increase Reputation?
One-Time Actions
- While playing, go to your Dashboard (click icon at the upper right corner of your screen), then go to your Social page. Connect the following accounts to your Pixel Account, note that these are all optional and it's up to you if you want to connect to get the Reputation Points.
- Create your X (Twitter) Account HERE.1) Connect Your X Account (aka Twitter)
- Reputation Points Gained = 50 (from 100)

2) Connect Your Discord Account
- Create your Discord Account HERE then join Pixel's Discord Group.- Reputation Points Gained = 200

3) Connect E-Mail
- Reputation Points Gained = 5 (from 25)
4) Connect Phone Number
- If you can't find your country code, try using "WhatsApp" to connect your number.- Reputation Points Gained = 50 (from 200)

Complete Quests
1) Flour Powder Quest
- Go to the north west corner of Terravilla, and find Fitz, complete his "Sunshine and Grainbows" quest by planting the seeds he gave you (you can find some plots at the northernmost area of Terravilla, or plant them on any land). Once you’ve harvested the Grainbows, go back to Fitz.

- Reputation Points Gained = 50 (from 100)

2) Wine Not? Popberry Wine Quests

- > Wine Not? Popberry Wine Quest - How To Complete
- Reputation Points Gained = 50 (from 100, 1st Wine Quest)
- Reputation Points Gained = 250 (2nd Wine Quest)

3) Fuy Gieri Barbequest! Quest
- How To Trigger Quest: Go to the south west area of Terravilla then go inside the Drunken Goose, talk to Fuy Gieri to start the quest.- More info here soon... note that this quest doesn't give rewards other than Reputation Points. Buy the items needed from other players or from the Marketplace if you like.
- Reputation Points Gained = 200 (from 400)

4) Jihoz's Shake Break Quest
- How To Trigger Quest: Go to the south east area of the Carnical Map then talk to Jihozto start the quest.- Reputation Points Gained = 200

Status Checks
1) If You Own A Farmland
- Reputation Points Gained = 1,5002) If You Are a VIP Member
- Reputation Points Gained = 1,5003) Account Age (Days)
- Reputation Points Gained = 0.2 Per Day4) Wallet Data
- If your Wallet's Value is more than $10 (total), you will get more points.- Reputation Points Gained = N/A

What You Can Unlock With Reputation Points
Unlock Trades!
Can Trade With Other Players (With Limits)
- Required Reputation Points = 700 (Doable For F2P Players (700), but may change anytime or temporarily turned off depending on updates)
- Unbalanced Trades: If you are buying 100 Popberries from another player for 4 Berries each (400), and the trade value of Popberry is 3.5 for example (3.5x100 = 350), then 400-350 = 50 will be deducted to your Trade Limit.
- Balanced Trades: You can do balanced trades even if you have reached your limit. If you are buying 100 Popberries from another player for 4 Berries each (400), and the trade value of Popberry is 3.5 for example (3.5x100 = 350), then 400-350 = 50 (the seller must add items equal to or higher than 50 Trade Value, like certain Flowers).
- NOTE: These limits may change anytime... depending on updates.
Can Buy in the Marketplace
- Required Reputation Points = 1500 (may change anytime or temporarily turned off depending on updates)Can Sell in the Marketplace
- Required Reputation Points = 1500 (may change anytime or temporarily turned off depending on updates)Can Trade With No Limits
- Required Reputation Points = 1500 (may change anytime or temporarily turned off depending on updates)).Where Can I Find My Reputation Points?
- While in-game, go to your Dashboard to check your current Reputation Points (just below your character's name).
Things To Avoid
Getting Muted!
- If your Account got muted due to suspicious actions, you'll get negative Reputation Points!- Reputation Points = -3000 (only when active)
- If your Account got muted then unmuted, you'll still get negative Reputation Points!
- Reputation Points = -500
- Getting reported multiple times would also get you negative points!
- Reputation Points = -100
Doing Suspicious Trades
- If you are doing too many unbalanced trades (almost like gifting items, especially Berries).- Reputation Points = -250
- Doing an unreasonable amount of Low Reputation Trades.
- Reputation Points = -25

- IMPORTANT NOTE: Pixels reserves the right to adjust these values on an ad-hoc basis, as deemed appropriate. For updates, refer to their official support page HERE.

More Pixels Tips and Guides:
That's it guys, thank you for checking our How To Increase Reputation and Unlock Trades Guide for the building platform, simulation, and adventure PC browser game - Pixels.