The Combat Mandala is a tricky feature in the game, if done incorrectly, your character's progression might get stuck early game unless you want spend a lot of resources like Dragon Orbs and Coins.
Refer below to learn how to Activate and Enhance Mandala Spots in the age of war and adventure MMORPG ~ MIR M Vanguard and Vagabond. I

Mandala Sector Guide:
- Core Sector = The center layer of the Mandala, divided by 3 sectors.- Inner Sector = The middle layer of the Mandala, divided by 6 sectors.
- Outer Sector = The outer layer of the Mandala, divided by 12 sectors.
- Core Sector 1 = Means it is located in the Core Sector, click any spots then check the name if you are in Core Sector 1.
1st Step: Decide Which Outer Sector To Aim For
Suggestion #1: Awakened Skills
This Also Depends On Your Avatars
- For Example (Taoist): If you want to aim for Summon Nachal Awaken Effect Boost in Outer Sector 4, but your plan is to just use Treasure Grade Avatars, then that would be a bad idea because you need a Relic or Epic Grade Avatar with Awakened Summon Nachal skill to utilize that Awaken Effect Boost.
- TIP: One way is to wait until Lvl 30 to see what Treasure Avatar + Awakened Skills you'll get, especially for F2P players. It is still possible to get more Treasure Grade Avatars, but it might take longer, plan ahead just in case you get the one you like.
Suggestion #2: Focus On Main Stats
Example Keywords To Search:
- Spellpower = For Sorcerers. Search "Perfect Staff", "ate Wis", "less Wis", "ate Insi", "less Insi", or "Staff of Faith".- Destruction = For Taoists and Warriors. Search "Perfect Sword", "ate Malice", "ent Malice", "less Fury", "cate Fury", or "Sword of Faith".
- DEF = Search "Perfect Armor", "Min Def", "Max Def", or "Firmness".
- Spell DEF = Search "Perfect Cape", "Min Spell Def", "Max Spell Def", or "Perfect Will".
- EVA = Search "Nimble Movement" or "Evasion".
- HP/MP Potion Recovery Boost = Search "Potion", "HP Potion" or "MP Potion".
Optional Mandala Choices
- Skill Level Boost = You must own the skill first (depends on your Avatars or acquired Skill Books), get this if the bonus effect is good enough for you, check under Skills section.2nd Step: Start Activating Spots!
Prioritize Unlocking Mandala Inner Sector First!
- Core Sector Success Chances = 100% > 95% > 90% > 85% > 80% > 75% > 70% > 65% > 55% > 45% > 35% > 25% > 15% > and so on.
Why You Need to Unlock the Inner Sector First:
- Higher Chance To Unlock = It's better to activate spots that requires high amount of Orbs first while your "Activation Chance" is still high (success chance will go down as you activate new spots), so take the shortest path and unlock the Inner Sector asap (requires 100 Orbs with 85% success chance if done right).
3rd Step: Activate Other Core Sector Spots
- Once you are done unlocking the Inner Sector, you can now activate any spots in the Core Sector that you like. Always remember, go for spots that requires higher Orbs that you like first while success chance is still good (take the shortest path).- Activate other spots that requires 10 Orbs last (unless needed), even at lower success rates, it is still ok because they only require low amount of Orbs. Below 25% success chance is kinda low though, so it's best to plan ahead and prioritize those that you need first.
4th Step: Activate and Enhance Spots
Option #1: Start Activating Inner Sector Spots

- Inner Sector Success Chances = 70% > 68% > 66% > 64% > 62% > 60% > and so on.
- If done right, you should reach the spot that would unlock the Outer Sector with 62% or 64% success chance. This would require 300 Orbs though, so either go for it or unlock it later.
Option #2: Start Enhancing Core Sector/Inner Sector Spots
- Enhancing will not affect your success chances when activating new Spots, so go ahead and enhance any Spots that you like. The catch though is that, if you fail enhancing a Spot there is a chance that the Enhance Lvl will drop by 1, so it might be best to play it safe and only do x1 or x2 Enhance per Spot for now.- Enhance Success Chances = 70% > 50% > 35% > 20% > and so on.
5th Step: Aim For Outer Sector Spots!
After Unlocking The Outer Sector
- Same pattern, follow the shortest path towards the Outer Sector Spot that you are aiming for (from the 1st Step), while success chance is still high.- Once you are done, you can now activate more spots or enhance spots that you like, congratulations!
That's it guys, thank you for checking our Mandala General Tips for Combat for the age of war and adventure MMORPG ~ MIR M Vanguard and Vagabond.