Here's a quick walkthrough and unit upgrading guide Part 4 for the idle-style strategy mobile game Battle Legion: Mass-Battler, available to download from Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS).
Formation/Build and Upgrading Guide
- Refer to our separate guide (below link) for the quick walkthrough guide.
- Quick Walkthrough Guide Part 1 (Rank 1 to 5)
Things To Remember
- Refer to our quick tips and guide section for info that we
will no longer cover here.
- Check here: Battle Legion: Beginner's Quick Tips and Guide
- This guide will focus more on using Common and Rare units, since all players can get them.
- Formations = Follow the example formations below (must follow exact location and position for movement and timing). Feel free to adjust the formation or test other formations if you like.
- NOTE: Builds/Formations below are just suggestions, these are not the only way to conquer the Ranks. We do not guarantee 100% effectiveness due to game "balance changes", but can still be used as reference.
- Upgrading = Upgrade units to match up your opponent's upgrade levels (check during the start of battle, use as guide). Note that you'll receive random shards from Wagons, so either follow the example screenshots or upgrade other key units included, preferably those that you'll be using for most battles.
Rank 9 (1600~1800 Trophies)
- Rank 9 got lots of Barrier Monk users, so I would recommended using Arcane Archers.
- The good news is that it is possible to clear this Rank with Lvl 5 units + Powerstones (can reach 60%~80% win rate) but it can go down below 40% if you missed something (exact formation, Lvl, or Powerstones) or just unlucky and keep on encountering armies with lots of Lvl 7 and 8 units (because most Lvl 7 got more units than Lvl 5 or 6).
- As long as your towers are up, you have a good chance against high Lvl armies (must follow exact location). Also adjust your Arcane Blades (move in and out from the unit selection window to change), make them more compressed or flat to not let Assassins attack the Towers when they are chasing your Arcane Blades (can still happen sometimes but that's ok).
- Replace any unit you don't have above with Bombot for now.
- If the above formation is not giving you decent results, try to adjust your Crystal Spires a little bit to the back and/or move the Shieldbearers a bit forward to quickly protect them (adjust more if needed), especially when ranged units can destroy it right from the start (if there are a lot of aggressive armies placing their units in front).
- The plan for both builds above is to use your Crystal Spires to help eliminate high Lvl melee units, Arcane Archers to thin out their low HP units like Archers early on and to help sweep remaining units inside their barrier later on.
- The ideal end game per battle is Barrier vs Barrier, all melee units eliminated, and your Arcane Archers firing their finishing blows to end the battle.
- Notable Weaknesses = Against massive high Lvl units, Assassins placed to the top most area, nicely built armies with Mythic unit/s, high Lvl Earth Elemental but still doable as long as your Crystal Spires are up, high Lvl Spider Nest that can last very long but only if their other units got high Lvls as well.
Units and Upgrades:
- x2 Shieldbearers = Lvl 5 or 6 + Defensive type Powerstones.
- x2 Archers = Lvl 5 or 6 + Powerstones.
- x2 Hammer Throwers = Lvl 5 or 6 + Offensive type Powerstone.
- x1 Plague Throwers = Lvl 4 or 5 + Range or Defensive type Powerstone.
- x2 Crystal Spire = Lvl 5 or 6 + Offensive type Powerstone.
- x1 Barrier Monk = Lvl 4 or 5 + Ability type Powerstones.
- x1 Arcane Blades = Lvl 5 + Powerstones.
- x2 Arcane Archer = Lvl 5 + Powerstones (Defensive type Powerstone that ignores damage every few seconds is also good).
- TIP: Keep battling (use "Auto-Spin") and earn wins and XP to get those free unit shards from Season Path, plus other rewards like Powerstones. If you need more Gold, you can buy Gold from the Shop with 50 or 500 Gems (optional), or donate units to your clan mates.
- *NOTE: Depending on the shards that you can get from Wagons, upgrade other key units included, preferably those that you'll be using for most battles.
Rank 10 (1800~2000 Trophies)
- Overall strategy is the same as Rank 9 above but this time it's tougher because Lvl 7 and 8 units are more common here (sometimes even Lvl 9!), so it's best to upgrade most of your units to at least Lvl 6, upgrade to Lvl 7 if you want for other units.
- Note that most Lvl 7 units will get an additional unit (2 additional unit for Lvl 9!), and Lvl 8 units will get an additional Powerstone slot, so fighting with Lvl 6 units with lesser number of units will force you to go through handicapped battles (but it's possible to conquer Rank 10 with some luck).
- There are 2 additional options that we can do here: Strengthen our tanks to last longer, and borrow their strong units with Mindshrooms haha (upgrade to spawn more units). Mindshrooms are also very effective against Bombots, Battle Wagons, Earth Elementals (when opponent kills it while being controlled, it would split and become permanently yours!), and more.
- Adjust the formation of your Mindshrooms until most of them are close to the enemy territory (move in and out from the unit selection window to change).
- The 3rd Shieldbearers at the back can be replaced with Lvl 7 Arcane Blades if you like.
- Notable Weaknesses = Against massive high Lvl units, Assassins placed to the top most area, nicely built armies with Mythic unit/s, high Lvl Earth Elemental but still doable as long as your Crystal Spires and Mindshrooms are up, high Lvl Spider Nest that can last very long but only if their other units got high Lvls as well.
Units and Upgrades:
- x3 Shieldbearers = Lvl 6 or 7 + Defensive type Powerstones (replace x1 Shielbearers with x1 Lvl 7 Arcane Blades if you like).
- x2 Archers = Lvl 6 or 7 + Powerstones.
- x2 Hammer Throwers = Lvl 6 or 7 + Offensive type Powerstone.
- x1 Plague Throwers = Lvl 5 + Range or Defensive type Powerstone.
- x1 Mindshrooms = Lvl 6.
- x2 Crystal Spire = Lvl 6 or 7+ Offensive type Powerstone.
- x1 Barrier Monk = Lvl 5 or 6 + Ability type Powerstones.
- x2 Arcane Archer = Lvl 6 + Powerstones (Defensive type Powerstone that ignores damage every few seconds is also good).
- TIP: Keep battling (use "Auto-Spin") and earn wins and XP to get those free unit shards from Season Path, plus other rewards like Powerstones. If you need more Gold, you can buy Gold from the Shop with 50 or 500 Gems (optional), or donate units to your clan mates.
- *NOTE: Depending on the shards that you can get from Wagons, upgrade other key units included, preferably those that you'll be using for most battles.
- We will end our guide here for now due to possible "Balance Changes" for current and newer units, but this build is still viable, just keep upgrading them higher to be on par with other armies if you like, or create your own builds (this is the best time too).
- Use the above build until you can reach 2050 Trophies (auto spins will do the trick!).
- You may also test other units (like at least x6~x8 Righteous Defenders + x2 Blessed Bombot, I would actually recommend this and might cover once I have time to continue this guide, the problem though is that they keep changing these units' stats which is uncool).
- Join clans that got a lot of members with over 2,000 Trophies at this point too, good luck! ^^
Quick Walkthrough Guide
Formation/Build and Upgrading Guide
- Refer to our separate guide (below link) for the quick walkthrough guide.
- Quick Walkthrough Guide Part 1 (Rank 1 to 5)
That's it guys, thank you for checking our Quick Walkthrough Guide Part 4 for the idle-style strategy mobile game Battle Legion: Mass-Battler. Available for Android (Google Play) and iOS (App Store).