Here's the 4th part of our quick walkthrough guide and tips for beginners playing "The Trail" (Android and iOS mobile game).
Previous Quick Walkthrough Guides
- I recommend that you follow our previous guides first for other tips that I will no longer mention here.- Part 1: The Trail: Quick Walkthrough Guide - Journey to Eden Falls (Early Game)
- Part 2: The Trail: Quick Walkthrough Guide Part 2 - Beyond Eden Falls
- Part 3: The Trail: Quick Walkthrough Guide Part 3 - Beyond the Swamp
Guide to Farming Chits
- Refer to our separate guide here: How to Get or Farm Fast Chits with Toys and Hats- Depending on the recipes you currently have, choose the best option according to your preference.

- Green Maze and Beyond (Late Game) Walkthrough Guide -

Walkthrough Guide Part 4 - Quest List
Other Ways To Collect Quest Items- Normally, you can gather them along the trail, but here's some other options:
- You can also get the quest items from "Top Trader" Gifts, and Raccoon Drops.
- If available, you can also buy them from other Traders, and as a free gift from the ad girl Annie.
Recommended Quests: Part 4 (Follow In-Order As You Go)
- Explorer > Marshall Boots Recipe (craft or buy, hunt Beaver Fur Scraps from Buffalo Range region: Yellow Steppe > Lavender Tor. Go to Tanning Houses and use 5x to create 1 Tanned Leather.)
- Explorer > Bufallo Pie Recipe (craft or buy, If you were able to save 27 Wheat Grass (part 3 of our guide), this should be easy).
- Explorer > Marshall Hat Recipe (go and buy from the Sunny Savanna or Deadman Dunes ferry camps, but if you want to craft, hunt Rabbit Felt from the Pine Fields region: Leafy Grove > Waterfall View; or Waterfall View > Green Site. Vultures Feathers can be found from Sunny Savanna and Deadman Dunes region, choose any short trail you like or buy from traders).
- Trader > Marshall Coat Recipe (go and buy from the Sunny Savanna or Deadman Dunes ferry camps, this is pretty common anyways.)
- Trader > Marshall Pants Recipe (same as above, but if you want to craft, hunt boars from the Deadman Dunes region: Dunes Shadow > East Drought. Get your Pine Lumbers by crafting Pine Logs.)
- Trader > Trader's Pack Recipe (Just craft, Twines can be crafted from 3x Cotton Fibres or buy from traders around Woodland Walk or Sailsbury Swamp regions: Ferry campsites.)
Master Trader Gear Set Quests
Twines- Go to Sailsbury region - Swampfire Landing or Woodland Walk region - Wetland Way. Buy all Cotton Fibres (for crafting) and Twines from other traders.
Desert Roses
- In-case you didn't earn them before, go to Deadman Dunes region - Baked Boulder > West View. Collect all Desert Rose you can find and also pull those 2 Raccoons. Once you reach the 2nd raccoon, force close the game then restart. Check the shops too if you are lucky.
Tropical Shells
- Gather as you go through Green Maze region and Lava Mountain region (early trails). If you need to farm more, just run through Green Maze region - Primeval Wilderness > Hot Spot +3 Raccoon pulls, or force close after getting your 2nd pull.
Trader's Pack
- Craft, pull from Raccoons, or get from other sources. I suggest you pull these items from Raccoons since you need a lot to complete this quest. Go to Green Maze region - Primeval Wilderness > Hot Spot to find 2 Racoons near the camp. Once done, force close the app then repeat.
Master Hunter Gear Set Quests
Boar Felt- Just hunt boars along the way or craft your extra Boar Fur Scraps.
- Best collect them from pulling Raccoons (Green Maze region - Primeval Wilderness > Hot Spot). Force close app then repeat. Do not use your hard earned Food.
Mercenary Hats
- Same, best collect them from pulling Raccoons (Green Maze region - Primeval Wilderness > Hot Spot). Force close app then repeat.
Large Toy Dolls
- Buy from other Traders (common item), or pull from Raccoons as you go along the trail.
Master Lumberjack Gear Set Quests
Mesquite Lumber- Just chop them along the way or craft your extra Mesquite Logs or Sticks.
Peach Cakes
- Best collect them from the ad girl Annie, or by pulling Raccoons as you go along the trail. Do not use your hard earned Food, buy them from other traders if you need more.
- Note: If you can't find any raccoons from the Falling Leaves region, rush through the next region.
- Start buying Ice from other traders once you reach the Falling Leaves region (optional), but rush through the next region until you reach the Glacier Vale region.
- Glacier Vale region will start to drop these items. Collect and complete this quest as you go.
Carved Bust
- Common item from trades, but if you are saving Chits, go and just pull them from raccoons as you go.
Master Explorer Gear Set Quests
Marshall Boots- Craft, buy from other traders, or collect them from pulling Raccoons (Green Maze region - Primeval Wilderness > Hot Spot). Force close app after reaching the 2nd raccoon then repeat.
Mercenary Shirt and Pants
- Best collect them from pulling Raccoons (Green Maze region - Primeval Wilderness > Hot Spot).
- Just collect and complete this quest as you go along the trail.
- End of Part 4 Quick Walkthrough Guide Quest List.

Green Maze Region
Update on Food to Focus On- If you can still craft Cookies, that's good, but if you don't have any Apples, just use your Wheat Grass to craft Bread.
- Continue and gather Rock Salt and Raw Meat along the way or from trading for your Jerky recipe.
- You should have lots of Eggs by now, use them to craft Omelettes.
- Buy some Omelettes, Sausages and Peach Cakes from other traders and keep them as your backup Food for future game content. Buffalo Pies are also available but it's too big to carry.
Buy Furnitures that Boosts Food Stamina
- Upgrade your House to Lvl 5 (requires LumberYard building to get planks) and purchase the 2 furnitures that gives "Stamina Boost from Food +25%".

- Cookie = 3 Hearts
- Bread = 4.5 Hearts
- Jerky = 4.5 Hearts
- Omelette = 6 Hearts
- Sausage = 7.5 Hearts (heals a lot so better keep for now)
- Peach Cake = 7.5 Hearts (heals a lot so better keep for now)
Number of Hearts
- Keep the number of your character's Hearts to at least 6 from here on.
Quest List
- It's possible to complete all remaining quests above before pushing on through the Green Maze.
- Upon completion, you should now have 16-16-17-17 quests completed.
Start Buying/Saving Quest Items (Private Chest)
- Gather and save these items to easily complete some quests later on.
- Save 50 Tropical Shell for (Master Trader Pants Recipe quest).
- Save 27 Sausages for (Master Hunter Jacket Recipe quest).
- Save 24 Large Toy Doll for (Master Hunter Hat Recipe quest).
- Save 27 Peach Cakes for (Master Lumberjack Jacket Recipe quest).
- Save 24 Carved Bust for (Master Lumberjack Hat Recipe quest).
- Save 16 Marshall Boots for (Master Explorer Boots Recipe quest).
Canal Crossing Camp Site and Ferry
- Pilgrim Hats should still be your main source of Chits. More info and other options can be found here: How to Get or Farm Fast Chits with Toys and Hats.

Lava Mountain Region
- Welcome to the Lava Mountain, one of the longest trail that you will encounter (34 Camps).Falling Leaves Region
- You'll start to encounter Beavers here again, so pack some slings and farm crafting materials for your Pilgrim Hats! Start gathering Turkey Feathers too!Tall Forest Region
- Back to Mesquite trees and Boars, if you like, just rush through this region to quickly reach the next region where you can start picking up Ice items for your quests.Glacier Vale Region
- Once you reach this region, you should now close on completing your "Master Lumberjack Gear Set Quests".- Collect and save another 60 pieces of Ice for you Master Explorer Helmet Recipe quest later on.
Ice Kingdom Region
- You should now have completed all quests above once you reach the end of this region. If you need more, just continue to the next region, or buy from traders.Green Way Ferry Fair
- Once you reach the Green Way camp and ferry, you'll need 900,000 Chits!
- If you have a total of -25% Gate Cost from furnitures, you'll just need 675,000 Chits, or 12 Favours.
Ancient Forest Region
- Just continue and complete this region...and be ready for the crazy ferry fee~ LOL!- Try to upgrade your House to Lvl 10 to get a total of -60% Gate Cost.

That's It For Now Guys!
- I'll update this more once they add more content. Thank you for checking our guide. ^^
- For the upcoming regions, the strategy is pretty much the same, just continue and explore The Trail.

Related The Trail Tips & Guides:
- The Trail: Quick Walkthrough Guide - Journey to Eden Falls (Early Game)
- The Trail: How to Get or Farm Fast Chits with Toys and Hats
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