Golden Keys are quest items used for opening Locked Golden Chests that contains valuable loots that can slightly boost your equipments and game progress. Note: players tend to use their equipments that gives "?% increase in Magic-Finding Luck" bonus before opening chests to increase their luck bonus stat.
If you need help finding Golden Keys to open Locked Golden Chests at a specific area, here's a simple to guide that will help you get them both.
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- Golden Keys and Chests -
Some Rules to Mind!
- Note that you can't use a Golden Key to open chests that can be found somewhere
else. You can only use them to your current map.
- If you have a Golden Key, it will disappear once you exit the map. Don't worry though
because it will reappear once you reenter the map where you found it.
How to Get Golden Keys
- Hunt Bittersprites! They are the only monsters that drops a Golden Key and they will
only spawn if there is Golden Chest present on the map.
- You might need to backtrack explored areas too to find one.
- Except for the Echo Pass Map (First Game Map) where you will need to defeat the
Champion boss monster here to obtain a Golden Key.
- The Golden Key is a quest item so it will not go to your inventory.Go Back or Find the Golden Chests!
- Now that you have the Key needed for your Locked Golden Chest, it's time to find it.
bonus before opening chests to increase their luck bonus stat. Good Luck!
Note: You might need to update your Torchlight 2 to it's latest version or patch to enjoy this
guide. Some skill description and game features are different compared to the original version. If you like this PC game, please support the software developers by purchasing the game!
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