Here's an example build and how to play guide for White Ninja (Genji) in the Ninja Online Battle Royale IO android mobile game - Shinobi.IO.
NOTE: Before anything else, please refer to our Shinobi.IO: Beginner's FAQ, Tips, and Guide for quick match up and battle tips, because I will no longer explain the basics here, thanks.
How To Get White Ninja (Genji)
- Easy to get early game from Gold Chests, with decent stats and nice Speed. His speed can really help you chase, escape/dodge (a lot of potential hits!) or to quickly position your character for more accurate attacks.Special Skill: 8 Way Attack
- The secret skill that throw shuriken in all directions.- Damage: 150 each shuriken (1200 Potential Total Damage).
- His Special Skill is one of the nastiest nukes in the game for an early game character, because you can use his speed to position him as close as possible to your target, then instantly unleash his HUGE DAMAGES!
- When done right, this can insta-kill targets, so focus on charging this skill asap.
- Note: This is much more effective if you have teammates that can do crowd control like stuns.
Passive Skill: Sword Damage +10%
- His Passive Skill gives a bonus damage to Sword attacks, but it can be ignored depending on your play style. Note that his passive skill only works with normal attacks.
Team Battle: Nuker Type Build
Phoenix Star (Kunai Weapon)
- Fairly easy to get from Gold Chests.- The best thing about this weapon is that it can increase the potential of any character that wields it!

How To Use in Team Battle:
- Use Phoenix Star's normal attacks at close range to hit all shurikens. This will help you deal nice damages and charge up your character's Special Skill fast. Best done against stunned/slowed targets.- If you are up against enemies that are close to each other especially during the first clash, you can also spam your attacks at mid-ranged.
- Phoenix Strike (Weapon Skill)
- A nice long ranged weapon skill, but only use this for nuking enemies from a distance when you have low HP, otherwise just focus on your normal attacks during Team Battles.
- Weapon's Passive Skill: 10% chance to burn
- Also a handful bonus, that could get you some kills!
- Note that this passive skill only works with normal attacks.
- Pet to Use: Use Any Pet.
Raijin Kunai (Kunai Weapon)
- Fairly easy to get from Gold Chests.- Note: If timed right (right after they activate their skills), stuns can actually cancel your opponent's skills and restart it's cool-down!

How To Use in Team Battle:
- Use this if you are having trouble sinking in White Ninja's Special Skill (use from a distance). You'll also depend on it's stun chance (luck based), but still doable because of it's multi hits.- Note: If you have teammates that uses Raijin Kunai or similar stun weapons, better use Phoenix Star.
- Thunder Wrath (Weapon Skill)
- Only use from a safe distance when you are low on HP.
- Weapon's Passive Skill: 10% chance to stun
- Also a handful bonus, to help your allies and to sink in your nukes.
- Note that this passive skill only works with normal attacks.
- Pet to Use:
- Status Ailments (even at 5%, multi hits increases that chance) or use Any Pet.
Ninja Star (Starter Kunai Weapon)
How To Use in Team Battle:
- Only use normal attacks against dying enemies.- Spread Attack (Weapon Skill)
- Use your Ninja Star's Weapon Skill at close range to hit all of your shurikens! Best done while hidden from bushes, or against stunned/slowed targets.
- Best if you can do it without relying on targeting lines (just tap/click to quickly unleash).
- This method can really give huge damages when done right (requires great precision), and could also super charge your Special Skill big time if you are able to hit multiple targets!
- Pet to Use:
- Chakra+/Chakra Regen (requires waiting time to hit again) or use Any Pet.
Other Weapons (Including Future Weapons)
- You may also use any weapons that can do multiple hits to a single target (including Sword) or area, and as long that you can charge your character's Special Skill fast.- Watch out for new weapons that are similar or even stronger than the ones above!

Battle Royale: Nuker/Healer Type Build
Nuker Type Build: Raijin Kunai (Kunai Weapon)
How To Use in Battle Royale:
- Similar play style (refer above Team Battle: Raijin Kunai section), use this to attack and possibly stun targets from a distance, especially enemies that are hiding from those bushes.- Charge up using normal attacks then close in to use White Ninja's Special Skill for an easy kill!
- Using this method would allow you to go aggressive right from the start and finish the match fast. Just avoid getting ganked and focus on picking 1 on 1 fights.
- Pet to Use:
- Status Ailments (even at 5%, multi hits increases that chance) or use Any Pet.
Healer Type Build: Soul Katana (Sword Weapon)
- Easy to get from Gold Chests.
- This type would almost guarantee you to get top 3, kinda slow but recommended for beginners.

How To Use in Battle Royale:
- Note: White Ninja's Sword Damage +10% Passive Skill gives extra damage bonus to your normal attacks.- Speed is also key when playing Battle Royale to out maneuver slow moving enemies, luckily White Ninja got some nice Speed stat.
- If you want to play aggressively, just make sure that you check your chakra to activate your heal anytime, unless you only need some few hits to kill an opponent.
- If there are too many stunners, better play defensively and wait to thin out the number of survivors first.
- Soul Heal (Weapon Skill)
- Use your Speed to dodge attacks or escape, then heal up if needed.
- TIP: It is also possible to run towards the death zone and heal up there, consider this if someone is chasing you non stop.
- Pet to Use:
- Any Pet that gives you survivability, even Speed+ if you like more Speed.
Other Similar Weapons
- You may also use other weapons with similar effects if you like, as long that you can survive, good enough to help you grab at least top 3 in Battle Royale.*That's it for now guys, thank you for checking our example build and how to play guide for White Ninja (Genji) in the Ninja Online Battle Royale IO android mobile game - Shinobi.IO.

Related Shinobi.IO: Tips & Guides:
- Shinobi.IO: Beginner's FAQ, Tips, and Guide (Best Shinobi To Get)