Here's the 1st part of the quick walkthrough and strategy guide for the "Frostbite Caves" stages in the strategy defense game - Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time! Grab your parka! Chill out in 16 prehistoric levels with frosty features like ice blocks, freezing winds and hot new plants, sure to melt frigid zombies.

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- Play Big Wave Beach Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide first before this guide!
Hot Potato
- Use it on frozen plants or enemies to instantly melt them.
- Will blow and briefly freeze all zombies on the lane, can be used at the back of zombies.
- Lobs flaming peppers and keeps nearby plants warm, best placed on the 2nd column.
Chard Guard
- Knock-backs enemies in-front but will consume 1 leaf. Can be planted over it to regenerate it's leaves (PF can also do this).
- Blue Labeled Plants: Frozen given plants by default. Melt and use them as your bonus plants, replace if fallen (optional or no need to add or replace).
- Snapdragons: After placing 2 Sunflowers, place the first 2 Snapdragons on the 2nd and 4th row first, next on 3rd, then 1st and 5th rows last. If the formation below requires 2 columns of Snapdragons, start by placing 4 of them on the the 2nd and 4th row, and so on.
- Note: Use Wall-Nuts or Tall-Nuts if needed to defend your Snapdragons.
- You can instantly repair defensive plants like Wall-Nuts and Talls-Nuts by planting the same plant on top of them.
- You can use Plant Food on any seed packet to instantly refresh their cool down.
- You can manually launch one mower by tapping and holding!
- After you complete the formation below, you may slowly replace your Sun producing plants with offensive plants.
- If you are having difficulty, you may use Power Ups or buy PFs if you like.
How to Plant Guide:
- | Sunflower | Peashooter | Peashooter | Wall |
- This means: Plant Sunflowers in the 1st column from the left, Peashooters in the 2nd and 3rd columns, then Wall-Nuts in the 4th column.
- World: Frostbite Caves Day 1 to 16 -
Frostbite Caves - Day 1
- | Sunflower | Peashooter | Peashooter | Peashooter | None | Wall |- PF: Peashooter
- For this stage, just learn how the ice blocks works. Frozen plants will gradually melt when attacked (cherry bombs will instantly melt them), beware though because zombies can pass through frozen plants. Iced blocks or tiles will redirect zombies towards where the zombie hand is pointing, so make sure to focus your defenses on that lane/s first.
Frostbite Caves - Day 2
- | Repeater | Sunflower | Snapdragon | None | None | Wall |- PF: Snapdragon vs group of tough zombies.
- Hot Potato: Use it on iced Repeaters to help melt plants in-front of them.
Frostbite Caves - Day 3 (Mini Game)
- Peashooter and/or Repeater: Place it at the back of those ice blocks, but for the first 2 lanes, place 1 Repeater each. Start from the top lane first.- Spikeweed: Place them in front and above those ice blocks, start from the top lane first.
- Hurrikale: Place it on the top lane to protect your single Repeater, effect will still work if placed at the back of those zombies.
- PF: Top Repeater since all attacks will come from this lane.
Frostbite Caves - Day 4
- | Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Wall |- PF: Any
- Kindly refer to the "Important Reminders" above on how to properly place Snapdragons.
Frostbite Caves - Day 5 (Mini Game)
- | Cabbage-pult | Pepper-pult | Cabbage-pult | Bonk Choy | None | Bonk Choy |- PF: Pepper-Pult
- Just reserve and replace fallen plants.
Frostbite Caves - Day 6 (Survive the Zombie Attack!)
- | Sunflower | Pepper-pult | Snapdragon | Sunflower |- PF: Pepper-pult or Snapdragon vs group of zombies.
- Hot Potato: Use it on iced Sunflowers to get fast Sun early on.
- This time, focus your first Snapdragon on the 3rd lane first.
- Cherry Bomb: If needed vs group of zombies.
Frostbite Caves - Day 7
- | Sunflower | Pepper-pult | Snapdragon | Wall | None | None | Split Pea |- PF: Any
- This time, focus your first Snapdragon on the 3rd lane first.
- Hot Potato: Use it on those iced Split Peas.
- Cherry Bomb: If needed vs group of zombies.
Frostbite Caves - Day 8 (Mini Game)
- | Pepper-pult | Bonk Choy | Wall | Any | Any |- PF: Any
- Deploy all available plants you have, or just always free up space.
- Hurrikale + Potato Mine Combo: Use Hurrikale on heavily raided lanes (attacking your Wall-Nuts) then quickly deploy a Potato Mine/s to hurt them once they come near again (or vice versa).
- Potato Mines: You can also deploy them on lanes that doesn't have any zombies.
- Wall-Nuts: Place another Wall-Nuts over them to restore their Health.
Frostbite Caves - Day 9
- | Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Wall |- PF: Snapdragons vs tough zombies or Dodo Rider Zombies.
- Quickly deploy 2 Sunflowers, then 3~6 Snapdragons, continue placing both plants.
- Wall: vs tough zombies coming your way, to protect your Snapdragons early on.
- Cherry Bomb or Blover: vs Dodo Rider Zombies (only if flying).
Frostbite Caves - Day 10 (Mini Game)
- | Peashooter | Peashooter | Chard Guard |- PF: Threepeater vs heavily grouped zombies, or to regenerate Chard Guard.
- Chard Guard: Once they consume all of their leaves, plant another one on top of them to let them regenerate. Note that PFs can also do this.
- Threepeater: Once they show up, replace all 6 Peashooters on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th row.
Frostbite Caves - Day 11 (Survive the Zombie Attack!)
- | Mushroom | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Chard Guard |- PF:Snapdragons: vs heavily grouped zombies.
- For the 2nd lane, place a Chili Bean in-front of those frozen zombies before you place your Snapdragons here.
- Chard Guard: Regenerate them once they run out of leaves.
- Cherry Bomb and Chili Bean: vs heavily grouped zombies. Use Chili Bean on lanes that doesn't have Chard Guard.
- Hot Potato: Use to unfreeze your plants.
Frostbite Caves - Day 12 (Plan Your Defense!)
- Refer below screenshot for formation:
- Hot Potato: To help unfreeze your plants. Always watch this out, especially your Wall-Nuts.
- Cherry Bomb: You have 1 free shot, use it during the final wave.
Frostbite Caves - Day 13 (Protect the Flowers!)
- | Sunflower | Pepper-pult | Snapdragon | Wall |- PF: Save all 4 PFs, then use it on Pepper-pult and/or Snapdragon vs Sloth Gargantuar.
- Wall-Nut: Deploy to protect your Snapdragons early on.
- Cherry Bomb or Chili Bean: vs heavily grouped zombies and Sloth Gargantuar.
- Hot Potato: To unfreeze your plants.
Frostbite Caves - Day 14 (Survive the Zombie Attack!)
- | Sunflower | Pepper-pult | Bloomerang | Chard Guard |- PF: Any to protect your plants from hitting zombies.
- First, use Hot Potato to unfreeze the Split Pea, then sell it to get extra Sun. Deploy 2 Pepper-pults on the 2nd column near those Sunflowers to unfreeze them all, then sell all 4 Sunflowers placed on the 2nd and 3rd column.
- Defend the center lane with a Bloomerang and 1 Chard Guard while doing the above method.
- Hurrikale: vs zombies hitting your Bloomerang.
- Hot Potato: To unfreeze your plants.
Frostbite Caves - Day 15 (Protect the Plants!)
- Refer below screenshot for formation:
- The above formation is enough, add any plants you like next.
- Hot Potato: To unfreeze your plants.
- Cherry Bomb or Chili Bean: Use if necessary.
Frostbite Caves - Day 16 (Mini Game! - Gargantuar and World Key!)
- Refer below screenshot for "sample" formation:
- Put all Repeaters on the 1st column, then place Pepper-pults or Repeaters at the left side of the Ice Blocks, they are safe there. Take note of the 3 Pepper-pults on the 2nd column too, make sure you have them to keep your nearby plants warm.
- Spike Weeds: Place them in-front of your Chard Guards (bottom 2 rows only), then below or at the right side of the Ice Blocks.
- Hot Potato: To unfreeze your plants.
Plants vs. Zombies 2: Frostbite Caves Part 2
- Go here: Frostbite Caves Part 2 Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
Related Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time Tips & Guides:
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time: Plant Food Effects on Plants
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Dark Ages Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Big Wave Beach Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Lost City Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
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