Coins are mainly used to purchase game features like unlocking weapons, skipping certain missions, and more. Earning Coins will also depend on your experience playing the game, concentrate on Survival Mode.
Earning Coins will greatly help you advance through the game without spending so much time completing specific missions. To learn how to earn more coins, read more below.
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- Collect Free Coins -

Earn Free Coins
- Go to Armory > Coins Section.
- Locate the Free Coins option to collect your
reward. Note that an internet connection is needed.
Share to Facebook
- Go to the Perk selection screen then select the
"Tell Friends" option to get some Coins.
Complete Mission Sets
- Complete Challenges to earn rewards. Higher level mission sets will give better
Coins. To learn how to complete all mission challenges, refer to the link below:
- Walkthrough and Missions Guide - How to Complete All Levels
- Survival Mode Techniques -

- This is by far the best Mode to earn Coins, why?
- because Coins are gained depending on the distance (meters) you achieved.
- because there are less zombies here, making it easier to play and survive.
- because you don't need lots if Perk to achieve your goal.
- because it is very possible to gain Coins without using Weapons or Perks!
- because it doesn't require some luck!
Tips to Survive the Mode:
- Dodge, Glance off, or Kill all zombies along the way.
- Get Weapon Crates to get a random weapon. Conserve bullets to run more and
to clear out zombies that are blocking Weapon Crates.
- Glance off of zombies or trees to move more to the right or left. This is very
useful when there is a Weapon Crate that you think you can't reach by just using the normal left or right movement while running.
- Make sure that you have a loaded weapon before entering any corn fields!
- Memorize which obstacle will come next along the way. (Ex: Corn Fields/Forest).
- Earn experience while playing the game, learn from your mistakes.
- Optional: Use Ammo Boost if you have enough Coins and if you have unlocked
the Submachine Gun weapon. Fast Unlock the Submachine Gun to start earning lots of Coins early game.
Sample Survival Reward per Distance (No Perks)
- 1,000m = 120 Coins
- 2,000m = 250 Coins
- 3,000m = 450 Coins
- 4,000m = 650 Coins
- 5,000m = 950 Coins
- Note: Using a Perk will reduce the reward per distance. Good Luck!
Related Into the Dead Tips & Guides:
Into the Dead: Walkthrough and Missions Guide - How to Complete All Levels