In Tekken Card Tournament, Gold is used for purchasing in-game items or features like cards, basic booster packs, fusion upgrades, team creation and more. You can easily farm them in-game as long that you have the Stamina.
Credits on the other hand is also an in-game currency similar to Gold. The only difference is that, Credits can buy some items or features that Gold can't, like advanced Booster Packs and more!
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- Farming Free Gold! -
Battles Rewards
- Gained after winning (higher reward) or losing (lower reward) battles. Note that
you must have a Stamina to be able to get the rewards. 1 bar of Stamina = 30 minutes cooldown.
- You can also get some bonus Gold and Credits every after leveling up.
- At lower levels, it is ok to stay and ensure your wins at the Arcade - Easy Mode,
but once you reach around Lvl 12, try to get wins in the Free Fight or Championship
Mode for higher chance to get Bonuses like Gold, Credits, XP, Stamina or a Card!
Daily Bonus Rewards
- Just login at least once a day to claim the daily reward bonus.
Invite Facebook Friends
- Use your Facebook Account on Tekken Card Tournament then invite your friends
to join your Friends List in-game. You can gain 1,500 Gold per friend (up to 10 friends).
- To claim your Gold, click or tap on the "New Facebook Friend" reward in the
rewards section (see below).
Selling Cards
- Selling Cards will become available once you reach Lvl 3.
- Note that this method is optional. It's up to you which cards you want to sell...
- Most free players will sell all cards that doesn't belong to their Tekken Fighter.
- Do not sell all cards that belongs to your Tekken Fighter/s, use them for Fusion!
- Buy the Ultra Pack with your free Credits at the Boosters Shop then sell the Rare
card for 40,000 Gold! If you are lucky enough, you can also get the Super-Rare card for 160,000 Gold if you want to sell it!
- Farm cards in the Free Fight or Championship Mode!
- Claim More Gold and Credits! -

- The Rewards or Achievement page is the fastest way to earn Gold, Credits and
more, specially at early game! Click/Tap the gift icon to access the rewards section.

- Complete these tasks to get big chunks of Gold and Credits while playing!
Veteran Reward
- Simply enter any battle with any "Tekken Fighter" deck, win, lose or draw!
- Arcade and Free Fight are the most common battle grounds.
Glory Through Victory
- Earn victories with any "Tekken Fighter" deck!
"Tekken Fighter" Showdown
- Use any "Tekken Fighter" deck as your active deck, then earn wins while using it!
Example: If I am using a "Kazuya" deck to get wins, the Reward Section will start to display Kazuya Showdown rewards after getting the required number of wins.
- Do this to all Tekken Fighters that you can or like.
"Tekken Fighter" Confrontation
- Use any deck then battle all Tekken Fighters in the game, win, lose or draw!
- This will become available at Lvl 15+.
- Here's a trick, once you reach around Lvl 15, enter the Arcade Mode > Any
Difficulty then when the battle stars, Pause then select Give Up!. Repeat steps as many times as you like to collect these rewards!
"Tekken Fighter" Quarrel
- Use any deck then battle all Tekken Fighters in the game. You must win to
advance and get rewards.
- This will become available at Lvl 30+.
Collection Reward
- Receive any cards that belongs to any "Tekken Fighter"!
- Get from Booster Shop, Market, Battle/Tutorial Bonus, Rewards and more.
- Note: The game will count the overall number of cards that you gained while
playing, not the number of cards you currently have.
- The fastest method to complete this is to Buy Packs then Sell unwanted cards.
"Tekken Fighter" Collection
- Receive specific cards that belongs to a specific "Tekken Fighter"!
- Same method above.
WW Championship
- Participate to get this reward. Rewards will be given after the tournament.
WW Team Championship
- Join a team then participate to get this reward. Rewards will be given after
the tournament. Bigger rewards will be given to top teams!
New Facebook Friend
- Refer to the Invite Facebook Friends above.
- Other Gold and Credits -
- Click or Tap on the News icon (lower right corner) near the Settings menu icon
to view all event announcements! Join and try to win the events for huge rewards!
Gifts! NEW!
- Event based and will appear under the Rewards section. Bonus varies per Gifts.
Welcome Back NEW!
- If you didn't play for a month or so, you might be able to get this under the
Rewards section too!. You might claim around 150 free Credits!
Purchase with Real Cash!
- This is not free and it is optional.
- Go to the Market > Bank, or simply click/tap your current Gold or Credits to view
their offers.
Related Tekken Card Tournament Tips & Guides:
Tekken Card Tournament:Quick Walkthrough Guide for Beginners
Tekken Card Tournament: Best or Recommended Tekken Fighter to Choose
Tekken Card Tournament: Best Booster Packs to Buy from the Boosters Shop
Tekken Card Tournament: Deck Customization and Card Types Guide