These charts I made will show you the minimum Trainer Lvl in order to start finding and capturing the required minimum CP to evolve that Pokemon to at least 2000 CP.
In other words, your aim is to reach the minimum Trainer Lvl, find and capture the Pokemon you like from the wild using the minimum CP required ("before evolving") below as guide, then evolve that Pokemon to reach it's 2000+ CP mark.

Base Pokemon | Min TLvl | CP 2000+ | Final/2nd Evolution | CP 2000+ | Final Evolution |
Dratini | 21~22 | 562 | Dragonair | 999 | Dragonite |
Exeggcute | 24~25 | 744 | Exeggutor | ||
Growlithe | 24~25 | 895 | Arcanine | ||
Eevee | 25~26 | 764 | Vaporeaon | ||
Magikarp | 26~27 | 195 | Gyarados | ||
Eevee | 27~28 | 815 | Flareon | ||
Charmander | 27~28 | 734 | Charmeleon | 1198 | Charizard |
Machop | 27~28 | 840 | Machoke | 1358 | Machamp |
Slowpoke | 27~28 | 939 | Slowbro | ||
Bellsprout | 28~29 | 883 | Weepinbell | 1363 | Victreebel |
Bulbasaur | 28~29 | 831 | Ivysaur | 1265 | Venusaur |
Squirtle | 28~29 | 793 | Wartortle | 1245 | Blastoise |
Grimer | 28~29 | 987 | Muk | ||
Poliwag | 28~29 | 635 | Poliwhirl | 1070 | Poliwrath |
Nidoran♀ | 29~30 | 705 | Nidorina | 1130 | Nidoqueen |
Nidoran♂ | 29~30 | 681 | Nidorino | 1109 | Nidoking |
Oddish | 29~30 | 921 | Gloom | 1355 | Vileplume |
Clefairy | 30~30 | 1002 | Clefable | ||
Psyduck | 30~30 | 930 | Golduck |
What Is This Chart?
- Sorted by Min TLvl.- Min TLvl = Trainer Lvl where you will start to find your target Pokemon (including 2nd form) with the required minimum CP from the wild. Meaning, in order to increase your chances, you need to Lvl up. Also note that Pokemon CPs from the wild are capped at Trainer Lvl 30 at the moment.
- CP 2000+ = If your aim is to evolve your Pokemon to at least 2000 CP. The minimum CP listed will give you a sure high chance without any luck needed.
- Example #1: If you want a Vaporeon with 2000+ CP, you need to reach Trainer Lvl 25, 26 or higher first. Find and capture an Eevee from the wild with at least 764 CP then evolve. Hopefully, you'll get a Vaporeon though or else, you'll get a lower CP.
- Example #2: If you want a 2000+ CP Dragonite but you only have around 300 CP Dratinis, you can also evolve a Dragonair if you are lucky enough to find one with at least 999 CP from the wild.
- Also Consider IVs: More info here: What Are IVs?
- *Mobile Devices: Swipe right of left to move chart.

Base Pokemon | Min TLvl | CP 2000+ | 2nd/Final Evolution | CP 2000+ | Final Evolution |
Drowzee | 30 | Evo+Pow | Hypno | ||
Eevee | 30 | Evo+Pow | Jolteon | ||
Gastly | 30 | Evo+Pow | Haunter | Evo+Pow | Gengar |
Geodude | 30 | Evo+Pow | Graveler | Evo+Pow | Golem |
Goldeen | 30 | Evo+Pow | Seaking | ||
Jigglypuff | 30 | Evo+Pow | Wigglytuff | ||
Kabuto | 30 | Evo+Pow | Kabutops | ||
Koffing | 30 | Evo+Pow | Weezing | ||
Omanyte | 30 | Evo+Pow | Omastar | ||
Pidgey | 30 | Evo+Pow | Pidgeotto | Evo+Pow | Pidgeot |
Pikachu | 30 | Evo+Pow | Raichu | ||
Ponyta | 30 | Evo+Pow | Rapidash | ||
Rhyhorn | 30 | Evo+Pow | Rhydon | ||
Seel | 30 | Evo+Pow | Dewgong | ||
Shellder | 30 | Evo+Pow | Cloyster | ||
Staryu | 30 | Evo+Pow | Starmie | ||
Tentacool | 30 | Evo+Pow | Tentacruel | ||
Vulpix | 30 | Evo+Pow | Ninetails |
What Is This Chart?
- Sorted by Name- Evo+Pow = Means in order to reach 2000+ CP, you must reach Lvl 30 first. Capture your target Pokemon with the highest CP you can find that has 5000 Stardust Requirement, evolve, then power-up until you reach 2000+ CP. Yes, there is no other way to reach 2000+ CP other than Power-Ups at this point.

Base Pokemon | Min TLvl | CP 2000+ | 2nd/Final Evolution | CP 2000+ | Final Evolution |
Abra | n/a | n/a | Kadabra | n/a | Alakazam |
Caterpie | n/a | n/a | Metapod | n/a | Butterfree |
Cubone | n/a | n/a | Marowak | ||
Diglett | n/a | n/a | Dugtrio | ||
Doduo | n/a | n/a | Dodtrio | ||
Ekans | n/a | n/a | Arbok | ||
Horsea | n/a | n/a | Seadra | ||
Krabby | n/a | n/a | Kingler | ||
Magnemite | n/a | n/a | Magneton | ||
Mankey | n/a | n/a | Primeape | ||
Meowth | n/a | n/a | Persian | ||
Paras | n/a | n/a | Parasect | ||
Rattata | n/a | n/a | Raticate | ||
Sandshrew | n/a | n/a | Sandslash | ||
Spearow | n/a | n/a | Fearow | ||
Venonat | n/a | n/a | Venomoth | ||
Voltorb | n/a | n/a | Electrode | ||
Weedle | n/a | n/a | Kakuna | n/a | Beedrill |
Zubat | n/a | n/a | Golbat |
What Is This Chart?
- Sorted by Name
- n/a = Means "not applicable", these Pokemon can't reach 2000 CP.
- So if you are a fan of Alakazam, Marowak or Sandslash for example, it's bad news because they are capped below 2000 CP at the moment.

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