Here's a list of Pokemon from A to D, with their basic info, type, resistances, recommended move set, and more.
Please Note:
- The list below will only cover the final evolutions of Pokemon, including those that can't be evolved.
- Prioritize the recommended Fast Attacks first since it is your main source of DPS.
- The symbol ">" is not an arrow, it means "greater than", so left side is way better.
- "Any" means you may have any default Fast or Special attack for that Pokemon since their effectiveness are exactly or very close to each other.

- Pokemon Info List: A to D -

Pokemon List

Type: Rock , Flying
Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Bite (Attacker Only) or Steel Wing (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Hyper Beam > Iron Head or Ancient Power
- Defender Special: Hyper Beam > Ancient Power > Iron Head
- Effective Against:
- Flying , Bug , Fire , Ice , Grass
- Ineffective Against:
- Ground , Rock , Steel , Electric
- Resistant To:
- Normal , Flying , Poison , Bug , Fire
- Weak To:
- Rock , Steel , Water , Electric , Ice

Type: Psychic
Eggs: Abra (5km); Evolution: Abra (25) to Kadabra (100)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Psycho Cut (Attacker Only) > Confusion (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Psychic > Shadow Ball or Dazzling Gleam
- Defender Special: Psychic > Dazzling Gleam > Shadow Ball
- Effective Against:
- Fighting , Poison
- Ineffective Against:
- Steel , Psychic , Dark
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Psychic
- Weak To:
- Bug , Ghost , Dark

Type: Poison
Eggs: Ekans (5km); Evolution: Ekans (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Bite (Attacker Only) or Acid (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Gunk Shot or Sludge Wave > Dark Pulse
- Defender Special: Sludge Wave > Gunk Shot > Dark Pulse
- Effective Against:
- Grass , Fairy
- Ineffective Against:
- Poison , Ground , Rock , Ghost , Steel , Electric
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Poison , Bug , Grass , Fairy
- Weak To:
- Ground , Psychic


Type: Fire
Eggs: Growlithe (5km); Evolution: Growlithe (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Fire Fang (Attacker/Defender) > Bite (Attacker Only)
- Attacker Special: Fire Blast > Flame Thrower > Bulldoze
- Defender Special: Fire Blast > Flame Thrower > Bulldoze
- Effective Against:
- Bug , Steel , Grass , Ice
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Fire , Water , Dragon
- Resistant To:
- Bug , Steel , Fire , Grass , Ice , Fairy
- Weak To:
- Ground , Rock , Water


Eggs: n/a; Evolution: n/a
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Frost Breath
- Attacker Special: Blizzard > Ice Beam > Icy Wind
- Defender Special: Ice Beam or Blizzard > Icy Wind
- Effective Against:
- Fighting , Flying , Ground , Bug , Grass , Dragon
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Steel , Electric , Fire , Water , Ice
- Resistant To:
- Ground , Bug , Grass
- Weak To:
- Rock , Steel , Fire , Electric

Eggs: Weedle (2km); Evolution: Weedle (12) to Kakuna (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Bug Bite (Attacker/Defender) > Poison Jab (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Sludge Bomb > X-Scissor > Aerial Ace
- Defender Special: Sludge Bomb > X-Scissor > Aerial Ace
- Effective Against:
- Grass , Psychic , Dark
- Ineffective Against:
- Fighting , Flying , Poison , Ground , Rock , Ghost , Steel , Fire , Electric
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Poison , Bug , Grass , Fairy
- Weak To:
- Flying , Rock , Fire , Psychic


Eggs: Squirtle (2km); Evolution: Squirtle (25) to Wartortle (100)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Water Gun (Attacker/Defender) > Bite (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Hydro Pump > Flash Cannon or Ice Beam
- Defender Special: Flash Cannon > Hydro Pump > Ice Beam
- Effective Against:
- Ground , Rock , Fire
- Ineffective Against:
- Water , Grass , Dragon
- Resistant To:
- Steel , Fire , Water , Ice
- Weak To:
- Grass , Electric


Eggs: Caterpie (2km); Evolution: Caterpie (12) to Metapod (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Bug Bite (Attacker/Defender) > Confusion (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Bugbuzz > Psychic > Signal Beam
- Defender Special: Bug Buzz > Signal Beam > Psychic
- Effective Against:
- Bug , Grass , Psychic , Dark
- Ineffective Against:
- Flying , Poison , Rock , Ghost , Steel , Fire , Electric , Fairy
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Ground , Bug , Grass
- Weak To:
- Flying , Rock , Fire , Electric , Ice


Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Pound (Attacker/Defender) > Zen Headbutt (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Any!
- Defender Special: Psychic > Dazzling Gleam > Psybeam
- Effective Against:
- None
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Ghost , Steel
- Resistant To:
- Ghost
- Weak To:
- Fighting

Eggs: Charmander (2km); Evolution: Charmander (25) to Charmeleon (100)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Wing Attack (Attacker/Defender) > Ember (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Fire Blast > Flamethrower > Dragon Claw
- Defender Special: Fire Blast > Flamethrower > Dragon Claw
- Effective Against:
- Fighting , Bug , Grass , Ice
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Fire , Water , Electric , Dragon
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Bug , Steel , Fire , Grass , Fairy
- Weak To:
- Rock , Water , Electric


Eggs: Clefairy (2km); Evolution: Clefairy (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Pound (Attacker/Defender) > Zen Headbutt (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Moonblast > Psychic > Dazzling Gleam
- Defender Special: Dazzling Gleam > Moonblast > Psychic
- Effective Against:
- Fighting , Dragon , Dark
- Ineffective Against:
- Poison , Steel , Fire
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Bug , Dragon , Dark
- Weak To:
- Poison , Steel


Type: Water , Ice
Eggs: Shellder (5km); Evolution: Shellder (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Ice Shard (Attacker/Defender) > Frost Breath (Attacker Only)
- Attacker Special: Blizzard > Hydro Pump > Icy Wind
- Defender Special: Blizzard > Hydro Pump > Icy Wind
- Effective Against:
- Flying , Ground , Rock
- Ineffective Against:
- Steel , Water , Ice
- Resistant To:
- Water , Ice
- Weak To:
- Fighting , Rock , Grass , Electric

Eggs: Seel (5km); Evolution: Seel (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Ice Shard (Attacker/Defender) > Frost Breath (Attacker Only)
- Attacker Special: Blizzard > Aqua Jet or Icy Wind
- Defender Special: Blizzard > Aqua Jet > Icy Wind
- Effective Against:
- Flying , Ground , Rock
- Ineffective Against:
- Steel , Water , Ice
- Resistant To:
- Water , Ice
- Weak To:
- Fighting , Rock , Grass , Electric


Eggs: n/a; Evolution: n/a
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Pound
- Attacker Special: Struggle (only use fast attacks though, it's better)
- Defender Special: Struggle
- Effective Against:
- None
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Ghost , Steel
- Resistant To:
- Ghost
- Weak To:
- Fighting

Eggs: Doduo (5km); Evolution: Doduo (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Feint Attack (slightly higher attacker) or Steel Wing (slightly higher defender)
- Attacker Special: Drill Peck > Air Cutter or Aerial Ace
- Defender Special: Drill Peck > Air Cutter > Aerial Ace
- Effective Against:
- Fighting , Bug , Grass
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Ghost , Steel , Electric
- Resistant To:
- Ground , Bug , Ghost , Grass
- Weak To:
- Rock , Electric , Ice


Type: Dragon , Flying
Eggs: Dratini (10km); Evolution: Dratini (25) to Dragonair (100)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Dragon Breath (Attacker Only) > Steel Wing (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Dragon Claw > Hyper Beam or Dragon Pulse
- Defender Special: Dragon Pulse > Hyper Beam > Dragon Claw
- Defender Special: Dragon Pulse > Hyper Beam > Dragon Claw
- Effective Against:
- Fighting , Bug , Grass , Dragon
- Ineffective Against:
- Rock , Steel , Electric , Fairy
- Resistant To:
- Fighting , Ground , Bug , Fire , Water , Grass
- Weak To:
- Rock , Ice , Dragon , Fairy

Eggs: Diglett (5km); Evolution: Diglett (50)
Recommended Move Set:
- Fast Attack: Mud Shot (Attacker/Defender) > Sucker Punch (Defender Only)
- Attacker Special: Earthquake or Stone Edge > Mud Bomb
- Defender Special: Earthquake > Stone Edge > Mud Bomb
- Effective Against:
- Poison , Rock , Steel , Fire , Electric
- Ineffective Against:
- Flying , Bug , Grass
- Resistant To:
- Poison , Rock , Electric
- Weak To:
- Water , Grass , Ice

Will add more info here as we go, thanks for checking our guide! ^^
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