Here'a list of Generation 1 Pokemon together with their rankings according to their base stats.
The Base Stats (Hidden Values)
- Every Pokemon has 3 base stats that are hidden: ATTACK, DEFENSE, and STAMINA, and each Pokemon specie will get a unique set of base stats.

- Best Pokemon By Base Stats -

Pokemon | ATK | Pokemon | DEF | Pokemon | STA | Pokemon | Total |
Mewtwo | 284 | Articuno | 242 | Mewtwo | 212 | Mewtwo | 698 |
Moltres | 242 | Mew | 220 | Mew | 200 | Mew | 640 |
Zapdos | 232 | Mewtwo | 202 | Articuno | 180 | Articuno | 620 |
Mew | 220 | Moltres | 194 | Moltres | 180 | Moltres | 616 |
Articuno | 198 | Zapdos | 194 | Zapdos | 180 | Zapdos | 606 |
Ditto | 110 | Ditto | 110 | Ditto | 96 | Ditto | 316 |
*I'll separate all Legendary Pokemon and Ditto for now
*For mobile view, slide left or right to move the table
*For mobile view, slide left or right to move the table
Pokemon | ATK | Pokemon | DEF | Pokemon | STA | Pokemon | Total |
Dragonite | 250 | Blastoise | 222 | Chansey | 500 | Snorlax | 680 |
Flareon | 238 | Dragonite | 212 | Snorlax | 320 | Dragonite | 644 |
Exeggutor | 232 | Hitmonchan | 204 | Wigglytuff | 280 | Lapras | 636 |
Arcanine | 230 | Poliwrath | 202 | Vaporeon | 260 | Vaporeon | 614 |
Victreebel | 222 | Omastar | 202 | Lapras | 260 | Chansey | 600 |
Magmar | 214 | Marowak | 202 | Jigglypuff | 230 | Arcanine | 590 |
Charizard | 212 | Venusaur | 200 | Muk | 210 | Exeggutor | 586 |
Nidoking | 204 | Weezing | 198 | Kangaskhan | 210 | Muk | 578 |
Gengar | 204 | Slowbro | 198 | Rhydon | 210 | Gyarados | 578 |
Vileplume | 202 | Golem | 198 | Slowbro | 190 | Slowbro | 572 |
Rapidash | 200 | Cloyster | 196 | Exeggutor | 190 | Blastoise | 566 |
Raichu | 200 | Gyarados | 196 | Clefable | 190 | Poliwrath | 562 |
Machamp | 198 | Tentacruel | 196 | Gyarados | 190 | Machamp | 558 |
Venusaur | 198 | Hypno | 196 | Dragonite | 182 | Venusaur | 558 |
Electabuzz | 198 | Mr. Mime | 196 | Poliwrath | 180 | Wigglytuff | 556 |
Cloyster | 196 | Ninetales | 194 | Nidoqueen | 180 | Nidoqueen | 554 |
Golduck | 194 | Starmie | 192 | Dewgong | 180 | Charizard | 550 |
Starmie | 194 | Dewgong | 192 | Arcanine | 180 | Clefable | 546 |
Gyarados | 192 | Vileplume | 190 | Lickitung | 180 | Flareon | 546 |
Jolteon | 192 | Kabutops | 190 | Machamp | 180 | Vileplume | 542 |
Weezing | 190 | Lapras | 190 | Slowpoke | 180 | Rhydon | 536 |
Weepinbell | 190 | Nidoqueen | 190 | Hypno | 170 | Nidoking | 536 |
Kabutops | 190 | Muk | 188 | Pidgeot | 166 | Golem | 534 |
Vaporeon | 186 | Pinsir | 186 | Nidoking | 162 | Victreebel | 534 |
Lapras | 186 | Onix | 186 | Golem | 160 | Kangaskhan | 530 |
Blastoise | 186 | Tauros | 184 | Golduck | 160 | Golduck | 530 |
Alakazam | 186 | Charizard | 182 | Venusaur | 160 | Dewgong | 528 |
Magneton | 186 | Arcanine | 180 | Tentacruel | 160 | Hypno | 528 |
Slowbro | 184 | Machamp | 180 | Victreebel | 160 | Tentacruel | 526 |
Nidoqueen | 184 | Magneton | 180 | Seaking | 160 | Omastar | 522 |
Pinsir | 184 | Snorlax | 180 | Aerodactyl | 160 | Weezing | 518 |
Aerodactyl | 182 | Scyther | 180 | Machoke | 160 | Ninetales | 516 |
Dodrio | 182 | Flareon | 178 | Grimer | 160 | Starmie | 506 |
Snorlax | 180 | Clefable | 178 | Rhyhorn | 160 | Aerodactyl | 504 |
Muk | 180 | Kangaskhan | 178 | Blastoise | 158 | Pidgeot | 502 |
Poliwrath | 180 | Golduck | 176 | Charizard | 156 | Magmar | 502 |
Omastar | 180 | Wartortle | 176 | Sandslash | 150 | Pinsir | 500 |
Clefable | 178 | Jolteon | 174 | Golbat | 150 | Kabutops | 500 |
Primeape | 178 | Electrode | 174 | Vileplume | 150 | Rapidash | 500 |
Kingler | 178 | Sandslash | 172 | Tauros | 150 | Scyther | 496 |
Golem | 176 | Hitmonlee | 172 | Ninetales | 146 | Jolteon | 496 |
Ninetales | 176 | Nidoking | 170 | Omastar | 140 | Seaking | 492 |
Scyther | 176 | Rapidash | 170 | Venomoth | 140 | Cloyster | 492 |
Seadra | 176 | Parasect | 170 | Scyther | 140 | Electabuzz | 488 |
Seaking | 172 | Vaporeon | 168 | Nidorina | 140 | Tauros | 482 |
Venomoth | 172 | Kingler | 168 | Clefairy | 140 | Gengar | 480 |
Jynx | 172 | Pidgeot | 166 | Machop | 140 | Golbat | 478 |
Haunter | 172 | Arbok | 166 | Persian | 130 | Raichu | 474 |
Pidgeot | 170 | Exeggutor | 164 | Flareon | 130 | Sandslash | 472 |
Tentacruel | 170 | Golbat | 164 | Tangela | 130 | Lickitung | 466 |
Dragonair | 170 | Aerodactyl | 162 | Weezing | 130 | Venomoth | 466 |
Wigglytuff | 168 | Electabuzz | 160 | Jynx | 130 | Magneton | 466 |
Fearow | 168 | Seaking | 160 | Rapidash | 130 | Marowak | 462 |
Ponyta | 168 | Rhydon | 160 | Magmar | 130 | Machoke | 458 |
Rhydon | 166 | Omanyte | 160 | Poliwhirl | 130 | Primeape | 458 |
Arbok | 166 | Lickitung | 160 | Seel | 130 | Kingler | 456 |
Golbat | 164 | Magmar | 158 | Jolteon | 130 | Parasect | 452 |
Tangela | 164 | Gloom | 158 | Porygon | 130 | Arbok | 452 |
Hypno | 162 | Porygon | 158 | Beedrill | 130 | Dodrio | 452 |
Parasect | 162 | Ivysaur | 158 | Electabuzz | 130 | Alakazam | 448 |
Gloom | 162 | Gengar | 156 | Pinsir | 130 | Tangela | 446 |
Charmeleon | 160 | Graveler | 156 | Primeape | 130 | Electrode | 444 |
Bellsprout | 158 | Raichu | 154 | Fearow | 130 | Porygon | 444 |
Dewgong | 156 | Venomoth | 154 | Weepinbell | 130 | Fearow | 444 |
Persian | 156 | Victreebel | 152 | Pidgeotto | 126 | Dragonair | 444 |
Porygon | 156 | Alakazam | 152 | Dragonair | 122 | Hitmonchan | 442 |
Ivysaur | 156 | Dragonair | 152 | Nidorino | 122 | Gloom | 440 |
Growlithe | 156 | Tangela | 152 | Starmie | 120 | Wartortle | 438 |
Machoke | 154 | Dodrio | 150 | Kabutops | 120 | Jynx | 436 |
Mr. Mime | 154 | Primeape | 150 | Gengar | 120 | Seadra | 436 |
Sandslash | 150 | Seadra | 150 | Ivysaur | 120 | Ivysaur | 434 |
Electrode | 150 | Raticate | 150 | Parasect | 120 | Persian | 432 |
Kadabra | 150 | Cubone | 150 | Raichu | 120 | Mr. Mime | 430 |
Tauros | 148 | Fearow | 146 | Butterfree | 120 | Weepinbell | 430 |
Hitmonlee | 148 | Persian | 146 | Gloom | 120 | Hitmonlee | 420 |
Dugtrio | 148 | Machoke | 144 | Arbok | 120 | Charmeleon | 416 |
Kabuto | 148 | Butterfree | 144 | Electrode | 120 | Nidorina | 408 |
Raticate | 146 | Kabuto | 142 | Dodrio | 120 | Butterfree | 408 |
Beedrill | 144 | Koffing | 142 | Drowzee | 120 | Graveler | 408 |
Butterfree | 144 | Squirtle | 142 | Venonat | 120 | Raticate | 406 |
Wartortle | 144 | Charmeleon | 140 | Marowak | 120 | Ponyta | 406 |
Kangaskhan | 142 | Dugtrio | 140 | Exeggcute | 120 | Beedrill | 404 |
Nidorino | 142 | Drowzee | 140 | Wartortle | 118 | Slowpoke | 400 |
Graveler | 142 | Ponyta | 138 | Charmeleon | 116 | Grimer | 394 |
Marowak | 140 | Magnemite | 138 | Alakazam | 110 | Poliwhirl | 394 |
Farfetch'd | 138 | Seel | 138 | Seadra | 110 | Nidorino | 392 |
Hitmonchan | 138 | Nidorina | 136 | Kingler | 110 | Rhyhorn | 386 |
Koffing | 136 | Tentacool | 136 | Graveler | 110 | Jigglypuff | 382 |
Gastly | 136 | Jynx | 134 | Raticate | 110 | Clefairy | 380 |
Oddish | 134 | Farfetch'd | 132 | Growlithe | 110 | Haunter | 380 |
Nidorina | 132 | Poliwhirl | 132 | Eevee | 110 | Growlithe | 376 |
Poliwhirl | 132 | Exeggcute | 132 | NidoranF | 110 | Pidgeotto | 374 |
Psyduck | 132 | Beedrill | 130 | Farfetch'd | 104 | Farfetch'd | 374 |
Omanyte | 132 | Oddish | 130 | Cloyster | 100 | Seel | 372 |
Staryu | 130 | Nidorino | 128 | Magneton | 100 | Drowzee | 364 |
Dratini | 128 | Staryu | 128 | Psyduck | 100 | Exeggcute | 362 |
Charmander | 128 | Eevee | 128 | Sandshrew | 100 | Omanyte | 362 |
Magnemite | 128 | Bulbasaur | 126 | Ponyta | 100 | Koffing | 358 |
Lickitung | 126 | Goldeen | 126 | Hitmonlee | 100 | Dugtrio | 358 |
Pidgeotto | 126 | Clefairy | 124 | Bellsprout | 100 | Machop | 354 |
Bulbasaur | 126 | Voltorb | 124 | Hitmonchan | 100 | Oddish | 354 |
Doduo | 126 | Pidgeotto | 122 | Cubone | 100 | Cubone | 352 |
Grimer | 124 | Paras | 120 | Metapod | 100 | Eevee | 352 |
Pikachu | 124 | Haunter | 118 | NidoranM | 92 | Kabuto | 350 |
Mankey | 122 | Venonat | 118 | Haunter | 90 | Venonat | 346 |
Paras | 122 | Geodude | 118 | Goldeen | 90 | Onix | 346 |
Horsea | 122 | Vulpix | 118 | Bulbasaur | 90 | Psyduck | 344 |
Shellder | 120 | Rhyhorn | 116 | Oddish | 90 | Squirtle | 342 |
Machop | 118 | Sandshrew | 114 | Kakuna | 90 | Bulbasaur | 342 |
Clefairy | 116 | Kadabra | 112 | Caterpie | 90 | Kadabra | 342 |
Krabby | 116 | Psyduck | 112 | Squirtle | 88 | Bellsprout | 336 |
Eevee | 114 | Shellder | 112 | Dratini | 82 | Goldeen | 328 |
Goldeen | 112 | Ekans | 112 | Kadabra | 80 | Tentacool | 322 |
Squirtle | 112 | Weepinbell | 110 | Mr. Mime | 80 | Dratini | 320 |
Ekans | 112 | Growlithe | 110 | Meowth | 80 | Staryu | 318 |
Slowpoke | 110 | Dratini | 110 | Mankey | 80 | Magnemite | 316 |
Rhyhorn | 110 | Grimer | 110 | Poliwag | 80 | NidoranF | 314 |
Exeggcute | 110 | Krabby | 110 | Koffing | 80 | Charmander | 314 |
NidoranM | 110 | Slowpoke | 110 | Tentacool | 80 | Paras | 312 |
Abra | 110 | Wigglytuff | 108 | Voltorb | 80 | Voltorb | 306 |
Venonat | 108 | Charmander | 108 | Geodude | 80 | Sandshrew | 304 |
Poliwag | 108 | Pikachu | 108 | Pidgey | 80 | Geodude | 304 |
Diglett | 108 | NidoranF | 104 | Zubat | 80 | Pikachu | 302 |
Tentacool | 106 | Horsea | 100 | Spearow | 80 | Vulpix | 300 |
Geodude | 106 | Poliwag | 98 | Weedle | 80 | Mankey | 298 |
Vulpix | 106 | Doduo | 96 | Charmander | 78 | NidoranM | 296 |
Seel | 104 | Mankey | 96 | Vulpix | 76 | Ekans | 294 |
Drowzee | 104 | Machop | 96 | Dugtrio | 70 | Doduo | 292 |
Meowth | 104 | NidoranM | 94 | Omanyte | 70 | Shellder | 292 |
Cubone | 102 | Meowth | 94 | Paras | 70 | Poliwag | 286 |
Voltorb | 102 | Pidgey | 90 | Onix | 70 | Krabby | 286 |
Spearow | 102 | Zubat | 90 | Ekans | 70 | Horsea | 282 |
NidoranF | 100 | Diglett | 86 | Pikachu | 70 | Meowth | 278 |
Jigglypuff | 98 | Rattata | 86 | Doduo | 70 | Gastly | 278 |
Pidgey | 94 | Metapod | 86 | Kabuto | 60 | Pidgey | 264 |
Rattata | 92 | Magikarp | 84 | Staryu | 60 | Spearow | 260 |
Sandshrew | 90 | Gastly | 82 | Horsea | 60 | Zubat | 258 |
Onix | 90 | Kakuna | 82 | Gastly | 60 | Metapod | 242 |
Zubat | 88 | Bellsprout | 78 | Krabby | 60 | Rattata | 238 |
Weedle | 68 | Spearow | 78 | Shellder | 60 | Abra | 236 |
Kakuna | 62 | Abra | 76 | Rattata | 60 | Kakuna | 234 |
Caterpie | 62 | Caterpie | 66 | Magnemite | 50 | Caterpie | 218 |
Metapod | 56 | Weedle | 64 | Abra | 50 | Diglett | 214 |
Magikarp | 42 | Chansey | 60 | Magikarp | 40 | Weedle | 212 |
Chansey | 40 | Jigglypuff | 54 | Diglett | 20 | Magikarp | 166 |

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