Gemcrafter: Puzzle Journey is a casual puzzle game presented by Playmous, available on Android - Google Play and iOS App Store. Join Jim Kraftwerk on his journey and get ready for some three-of-a-kind matching, precious stones crafting, puzzle solving and treasure hunting action. Do you have what it takes to become a true Gemcrafter?

- Gemcrafter: Puzzle Journey Gameplay Trailer -
- Gemcrafter: Puzzle Journey General In-Depth Guides -
Sorry Gamers, there are no available in-depth guides for this game at the moment.
- Gemcrafter: Puzzle Journey Beginner's FAQ Guide -
How do I gain points?
- You can compete with your friends in each level by gaining more score than they did. To gain more points you need to match as much high-level gems as possible.
Why do I need complete levels with challenges?
- Completed challenges will allow you to unlock ัhests and find there pers and amulets.
Likewise, when you complete all the challenges on one location, you get the permission to procede to the next one.
Can I open a new location without managing all the challenges?
- Yes, completing of all challenges is not the only way to proceed to next location. You can also ask your Facebook friends to send you tickets (you need 3 tickets to proceed) or you can purchase tickets for in-game currency (Coins).
How many levels are there?
- Right now there are 100 levels but we plan on unlocking new levels and locations in near future!
How many lives do I get?
- From the start of the game you will get 5 lives. With each failed level you will lose a live. Then you'll have three choices: to wait 20 minutes until a life restores, ask you friend for a life or you can buy a live for 22 coins!
Why do I need perks and how I use them?
- Perks will help you to solve difficult puzzles that you can meet in the game. We ensure you that each level can be completed without using perks or amulets, but if you need some help you can use any of the proposed Items. The game will teach you how to use perks and amulets in tutorials.
The game is crashing, why?
- If the game has crashed, please enter Settings->About menu in the game, then press "Report an error" button and send us an email with the description of an issue (game will automatically attach crash logs to this email). Please ensure you do not delete these attachments.
I purchased an item from App Store/ Google Play but I never got it. What should I do?
- If the in-app purchase you made never appeared on your device, make sure to contact App Store/Google Play support team and report a problem.
Will I lose my progress if I re-install the game?
- If you played the game being connected to Facebook then all your progress is stored in your account. However if you were not connected to Facebook then re-installing of the game will delete all progress.
Will I lose my in-app purchases if I re-install the game?
- All your in-app purchases will be safe if you made them while being logged in to your Facebook account. If not, then you will lose all your in-app purchases after game re-installation.
If I connect to Facebook, will you mess up with my Facebook wall or spam my friends?
- No. We will only post messages to your wall if you allow the game to do this and we will not send invites, requests or other messages to your friends without your approval!
*FAQ Source: Credits and Thanks to Playmous for the Official FAQs! ^^
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