This Lili deck build will focus on using her Heal, Parry and Protection cards to become a formidable fighter. If you want to play her as a tank, then this build is for you!
Her best moves are used when the opponent has lots of cards down on the table. It is a risky and dangerous game, but the rewards can be well worth it.
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- Recommended Cards: Lili Heal Tank Deck -
Your Target Rare Lili Power Card:
- Note: Featured Power Card might change it's
Stats in the future but it would still be good for this build.
- First, Buy 3 Common Lili Power cards then
upgrade to get it's Uncommon version.
- Always remember to use Fusion! to save Gold.
- This Rare Power Card will greatly help reduce
your opponent's damage output, but this effect will
also take away some of your starting HP. Don't worry
though because you'll get some nice Heal cards anyway.
- Refer to the links below this guide for more useful guides!
Recommended Common Cards
- You should aim for the Common versions of your preferred deck.
Recommended Uncommon Cards
- You should aim for the Uncommon versions of your preferred deck.
Recommended Rare Cards
- (P) Rompez Fleuret = Attack
- (P) Allonger Le Bras = Attack
- (K) Soleil = Attack
- (P) Monte Carlo Snap = Heal
- (K) Matterhorn Ascension = Heal
- (P) Heliotrope = Buff
- (K) Heavy Languish = Protection
- (K) Piercing Thorn = Parry
- (K) Freesia Thrust = Parry
- (P) Rafflesia (Unique) = Parry
- (K) Bloody Masquerade Piton = Parry
- (P) Direct Persuasion = Draw
- (K) Autumn Wind = Draw
- (P) Cancer Une-Deux = Draw
- (K) Sheers to Spinning Edge (Unique) = Draw
- (K-U) Garland Kick Combo (Unique) = Draw NEW!
- (K) Alstroemeria = Discarder
- (P) Dendrobium = Discarder
- (K) Stunning Toe Kick = Debuff
- Sample Lili Heal Tank Deck -
Lili Heal Tank Deck (No SR Cards)
- x3 (P) Monte Carlo Snap = Heal
- x2 (K) Matterhorn Ascension = Heal
- x2 (K) Heavy Languish = Protection
- x2 (K) Freesia Thrust = Parry or (K) Stunning Toe Kick = Debuff
- x1 (P) Rafflesia (Unique) = Parry
- x2 (K) Autumn Wind = Draw
- x2 (K) Alstroemeria = Discarder
- x1 Card of your Choice!
Deck Summary:
- Awesome Heal cards that can restore at least 25 HP per card!
- Parry and Protection cards to reduce your opponent's damage output.
- Some draw cards to quickly get more helpful cards in play.
- Some Discarder cards to force your opponent to use STRIKE or FOCUS.
Notable Battle Strategies:
- Just activate your Heal cards when your HP is not full. Monte Carlo Snap is easy
to activate, Matterhorn Ascension is a bit tricky but you have Autumn Wind cards to help.
- Always let your opponent STRIKE first before you, to effectively use your Parry
and Protection cards. Autumn Wind cards will again help you draw more cards after STRIKING.
- In case your opponent tries to spam BLOCK to avoid Striking first, or if he/she
is attempting to discard all cards in play (especially when your opponent have more cards than you), then this is where Alstroemeria comes in!.
- Alstroemeria will discard "1 Opponent Card" every after a dual BLOCK!. This
is very useful to avoid the 2 scenarios above, and very effective when your opponent have 2 to 4 cards in play!
- If you can do this smoothly, your opponent might give up! or quit because of your
nasty Heal, Parry, Protection and Support cards!
Other Lili Deck Builds
- Lili Deck and Cards - Heavy Hitter Build
Note: Even if you have all the cards above, wins will still depend on your experience
playing the game, strategies, positioning, and more! Good Luck!
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Tekken Card Tournament:Quick Walkthrough Guide for Beginners
Tekken Card Tournament: Best or Recommended Tekken Fighter to Choose
Tekken Card Tournament: How to Get More Gold and Credits
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