Online Game: Ninja Soul
- By Ninja Soul
- Facebook Game Application
- Role Playing Game / Ninja Based / Online Browser Based Social Game
Refer below to learn more about Ninja Soul's Gameplay and Battle Play Features.

Ninja Soul is a Role Playing Online Game. You will start as a newbie Genin in a small village
called Maple Village, who wants to become a full fledged ninja! The Village Head will test and help you become one by completing a series of quest missions around and outside the village.
- Discover game features like PVP, Arena, Rankings and more!
- Complete quest missions and discover more areas that will challenge your fighting skills!
Sample Ninja Soul Character Screenshot

The above screenshot is a sample character profile with her stats, gears and element of
choice. You can freely see and check other player's profile around the village.
- Fully customize your character with lots of weapons, gears and fashion items!

Just like a normal RPG game, you can freely walk through the wilderness outside your village
and encounter enemies along the way. Encountering them will trigger a fight with no escape!
Ninja Soul has an automatic battle system. You don't need to trigger any command or skill
to activate them. The game will randomly choose a Jutsu skill from your equipped skill pool and use it according to it's trigger chances.
- Learn more powerful jutsus as you progress through the game.
- Master the ways of forging and bloodline learning to increase your strengths!
- By Ninja Soul
- Facebook Game Application
- Role Playing Game / Ninja Based / Online Browser Based Social Game
Refer below to learn more about Ninja Soul's Gameplay and Battle Play Features.
- Click Link Below to Play Now! -
- Gameplay -
Ninja Soul is a Role Playing Online Game. You will start as a newbie Genin in a small village
called Maple Village, who wants to become a full fledged ninja! The Village Head will test and help you become one by completing a series of quest missions around and outside the village.
- Complete quest missions and discover more areas that will challenge your fighting skills!
Sample Ninja Soul Character Screenshot
choice. You can freely see and check other player's profile around the village.
- Fully customize your character with lots of weapons, gears and fashion items!
- Battle Play -
and encounter enemies along the way. Encountering them will trigger a fight with no escape!
Ninja Soul has an automatic battle system. You don't need to trigger any command or skill
to activate them. The game will randomly choose a Jutsu skill from your equipped skill pool and use it according to it's trigger chances.
- Master the ways of forging and bloodline learning to increase your strengths!
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