Online Game: Wild Ones
- Publisher: Playdom
- Facebook/Google+ Game Application
- Action and Arcade / Shooter / Online Browser Based Social Game
Refer below to learn more about Wild Ones' Gameplay and Battle Play Features.
Wild Ones is an mulitplayer action and arcade shooter game available on both Social
Networking Sites: Facebook and Google+. Come and play the best live action shooter game today!
You start the game with a cute pet Dog, unlocking more pets as you go through the
game. Customize your pets with thousands of available combinations of weapons and accessories and enter a live multi-player match or a practice mode where your goal is to crush your opponents to smithereens!
The game requires strategy, logic skills and precision to crush opponents, giving players
a more challenging gameplay experience. Plus, Wild Ones offers a non-stop fun with lots of replay value! Yes, the game doesn't require any energy requirement or limit for playing the game!
Explore battlefield maps and examine them to create battle strategies for possible
situations. The key to the game is experience! Play more to learn more!

Choose your favorite weapon from a wide variety of weapon arsenals and enter the
aiming mode to use your weapon's unique destructive effects!
Refer to the screenshot above:
- Power (0% Minimum to 100% Maximum). More Power gives weapons a more further
reach. Melee weapons are not affected by this.
- Angle (90° directly upwards to -90° directly downwards). Adjust and remember your
last angle to easily adjust your next aim. This is extremely helpful when you are trying to hit enemies with high angles.
Practice playing on your own in the Practice Mode to get the feel of your weapons. Each
weapons has their own weight, reach, power, and effects.
Be the top dog in this ultimate free online browser game!
Related Wild Ones Tips & Guides:
Wild Ones Beginner's Guide
- Publisher: Playdom
- Facebook/Google+ Game Application
- Action and Arcade / Shooter / Online Browser Based Social Game
Refer below to learn more about Wild Ones' Gameplay and Battle Play Features.
Wild Ones is an mulitplayer action and arcade shooter game available on both Social
Networking Sites: Facebook and Google+. Come and play the best live action shooter game today!
You start the game with a cute pet Dog, unlocking more pets as you go through the
game. Customize your pets with thousands of available combinations of weapons and accessories and enter a live multi-player match or a practice mode where your goal is to crush your opponents to smithereens!
The game requires strategy, logic skills and precision to crush opponents, giving players
a more challenging gameplay experience. Plus, Wild Ones offers a non-stop fun with lots of replay value! Yes, the game doesn't require any energy requirement or limit for playing the game!
Explore battlefield maps and examine them to create battle strategies for possible
situations. The key to the game is experience! Play more to learn more!
- Battle Play -
Wild Ones is basically an aim and shoot game or simply a Shooter Game.The aim
of the game is to blow your opponents with your powerful weapons, pro-maneuvering pet control and amazing combos!
aiming mode to use your weapon's unique destructive effects!
Refer to the screenshot above:
- Power (0% Minimum to 100% Maximum). More Power gives weapons a more further
reach. Melee weapons are not affected by this.
- Angle (90° directly upwards to -90° directly downwards). Adjust and remember your
last angle to easily adjust your next aim. This is extremely helpful when you are trying to hit enemies with high angles.
Practice playing on your own in the Practice Mode to get the feel of your weapons. Each
weapons has their own weight, reach, power, and effects.
Be the top dog in this ultimate free online browser game!
Related Wild Ones Tips & Guides:
Wild Ones Beginner's Guide