Here is a list of Monster Galaxy Galactic Mogas with their stats and information. Refer here for your Galactic Moga collections. Galactic Mogas are the hardest ones to get because they are extremely rare and cannot be caught in the wild.
- How to Obtain Galactic Mogas -
- Go to the Sky Shop during the event.
- Click on the Event's title then click on Buy to get a chance item. requires Moga Cash.
- Moga Cash = Real Cash
- Note that this is a gamble, you might not get what you want.
- You might also need a number of Mogas to Evolve them to Galactic!
- Galactic Mogas -
This section will not get updates anymore, refer to the Complete List of Mogas for more
Galactic Mogas in the future. Thank You ^^
- Go here: Monster Galaxy Complete Moga List
Galactic - the new Moga Rarity in Monster Galaxy; They are too powerful to catch with
Star Seeds and more powerful than any normal Moga.
Galactic Mogas have maxed Attack and Defense Ratings!
Class: Balanced
How to Get: Valgore is a limited time Cash only Moga - (August 2011).
- Valgore Evolves from Dead Heat (Cash only Moga).
- Dead Heat evolves from Flam (Cash only Moga).
Moga: Zerk Zodiac: Saggitarius
- Valgore Evolves from Dead Heat (Cash only Moga).
- Dead Heat evolves from Flam (Cash only Moga).
Moga: Zerk Zodiac: Saggitarius
Class: Tank
How to Get: Zerk is a limited time Cash only Moga - (September 2011).
- Zerk Evolves from Basont (Cash only Moga).
- Basont evolves from Knives (Cash only Moga).
- Zerk Evolves from Basont (Cash only Moga).
- Basont evolves from Knives (Cash only Moga).
Class: Striker
How to Get: Gravedigger is a limited time Cash only Moga - (October 2011).
- Gravedigger evolves from Frostfang (Cash Only Moga).
- Frostfang evolves from Saphirz (Cash only Moga).
- Gravedigger evolves from Frostfang (Cash Only Moga).
- Frostfang evolves from Saphirz (Cash only Moga).
Moga: Soulcleaver Zodiac: Leo
Class: Striker
How to Get: Soulcleaver is a limited time Cash only Moga - (November 2011).
- Reaper evolves from Grimmace (Cash Only Moga).
Moga: Archaeon Zodiac: Scorpio
Class: Striker
How to Get: Archaeon is a limited time Cash only Moga - (December 2011).
- Basilisk evolves from Cherubis (Cash Only Moga).
- For more info about the Celestial Festival and the Super Spin,
- Refer here: Celestial Festival Comes with a Super Spin!
Moga: Mercykiller Zodiac: Capricorn
Class: Tank
How to Get: Mercykiller is a limited time Cash only Moga - (January 2012).
- Mercykiller evolves from Wretch (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Carnage Zodiac: Aries
- Mercykiller evolves from Wretch (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Carnage Zodiac: Aries
Class: Balanced
How to Get: Carnage is a limited time Cash only Moga - (January 2012).
- Carnage evolves from Gremlin (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Nian Zodiac: Pisces
- Carnage evolves from Gremlin (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Nian Zodiac: Pisces
Class: Balanced
How to Get: Nian is a limited time Cash only Moga - (February 2012).
- Chance item in the Sky Shop (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
- Chance item in the Sky Shop (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Bushidon Zodiac: Taurus
Class: Tank
How to Get: Bushidon is a limited time Cash only Moga - (February 2012).
- Bushidon evolves from Samuron (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
- Bushidon evolves from Samuron (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Niseag Zodiac: Libra
Class: Striker
How to Get: Niseag is a limited time Cash only Moga - (March 2012).
- Chance item in the Sky Shop (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Ninetails Zodiac: Cancer
Moga: Osteros Zodiac: Aries
Moga: Ripslam Zodiac: Scorpio
- Sherman evolves from Chumguppy (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Walkyrien Zodiac: Gemini NEW!
- Walkyrien evolves from Shieldmaiden (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
- Shieldmaiden evolves from Gondula (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
***Note: Pics are not included since they are all limited!
This section will not get updates anymore, refer to the Complete List of Mogas for more
Galactic Mogas in the future. Thank You ^^
- Go here: Monster Galaxy Complete Moga List
- Chance item in the Sky Shop (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Ninetails Zodiac: Cancer
Class: Balanced
How to Get: Ninetails is a limited time Cash only Moga - (March 2012).
- Chance item in the Sky Shop (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
- Chance item in the Sky Shop (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Osteros Zodiac: Aries
Class: Striker
How to Get: Osteros is a limited time Cash only Moga - (April 2012).
- Osteros evolves from Rocoa (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
- Osteros evolves from Rocoa (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Ripslam Zodiac: Scorpio
Class: Tank
How to Get: Ripslam is a limited time Cash only Moga - (May 2012).
- Ripslam evolves from Sherman (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
- Ripslam evolves from Sherman (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
Moga: Walkyrien Zodiac: Gemini NEW!
Class: Striker
How to Get: Walkyrien is a limited time Cash only Moga - (June 2012).
- Shieldmaiden evolves from Gondula (Cash Only Moga - Super Spin).
***Note: Pics are not included since they are all limited!
This section will not get updates anymore, refer to the Complete List of Mogas for more
Galactic Mogas in the future. Thank You ^^
- Go here: Monster Galaxy Complete Moga List
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