This Guide is created to help you out getting your Ninja Warz Achievements done. If you want to check your progress, click on your Ninja Warz profile. You should be taken to a window similar to the screenshot below.
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- Tricks and Others -
Like Ninja Warz - NEW!- Like Ninja Warz for exclusive updates and content releases!
Konami Komando
- Master of the ancient art of Konami!
- Click your Daimyo and press ↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, b, a, Enter
Onion Collector
- Collect 20 Negi
Advanced Onion Collector
- Collect 100 Negi
Shrimp Collector
- Collect 20 Fried Shrimp
Advanced Shrimp Collector
- Collect 100 Fried Shrimp
- Buy or complete offers for Karma to support our hungry developers.
- Click on "Get more Karma" then complete offers that gives you 1~3 Karma.
- Buy or complete offers for 200+ Karma.
- Completely optional. Buy Karmas with real cash.
- Undead Horde -
Hordely a Dent
- Defeat 10 of the Undead horde
- Unlocks at Lvl 18, check your map for a black blimp.
- Just defeat what you can while leveling up.
- Defeat 25 of the Undead horde
Re-killed En-Masse
- Defeat 50 of the Undead horde
Expert Horde Stomper
- Defeat 100 of the Undead horde
Excessive Deanimation
- Defeat 250 of the Undead horde
Devastator of Hordes
- Defeat 506 of the Undead horde... because 500 is too easy.
- Money Issues -
A Penny Saved
- Store more than one thousand gold in your clan vault.
No Longer Considered Poor
- Store more than ten thousand gold in your clan vault.
Eligible For High Yield Savings
- Store more than one hundred thousand gold in your clan vault.
A Milli
- Store more than one million gold in your clan vault.
Swimming In Golds
- Store more than ten million gold in your clan vault.
We Been Had Golds
- Store more than one hundred million gold in your clan vault.
We've Made Billions!
- Store more than one billion gold in your clan vault.
- Allies Management -
People Know Me
- Recruit 5 of your friends to be your ninja allies.
An Army of Some
- Recruit 10 of your friends to be your ninja allies.
An Army of Some More
- Recruit 20 of your friends to be your ninja allies.
There's A New Ally In Town
- Come to the aid of your allies 10 times.
Helpy Helperton
- Come to the aid of your allies 100 times.
Destroyer of Blimps and Fires
- Come to the aid of your allies 500 times.
A True Ally
- Come to the aid of your allies 1000 times.
A Truer Ally
- Come to the aid of your allies 5000 times.
Bonus Bandit
- Collect 10 Ninja Bonuses from your allies' wall posts.
Bonus Bonanza
- Collect 25 Ninja Bonuses from your allies' wall posts.
Bonus Baron
- Collect 100 Ninja Bonuses from your allies' wall posts.
- Obtaining Ninjas -
First Friend
- Recruit a second ninja into your clan.
Not Even Enough To Play Volleyball
- Obtain five ninjas.
That's What She Said
- Recruit 5 female ninjas into your clan.
Bros Before...
- Recruit 5 male ninjas into your clan.
Full Force
- Recruit 25 ninjas into your clan.
Power Hungry
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are specced heavily for strength.
- Recruit ninjas with 49/50/51/52 Power.
We Eat Our Wheaties
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are specced heavily for health.
- Recruit ninjas with 49/50/51/52 Health.
Well Balanced
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are well balanced for strength and health.
- Recruit 5 ninjas with 45 Health and 45 Power.
Blood Brothers
- Obtain 5 ninjas of the same blood type.
- Recruit ninjas with A+ blood type.
Plan For The Worst
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are universal recipients.
- Recruit ninjas with AB+ blood type.
Might As Well Be Useful
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are universal donors.
- Recruit ninjas with O- blood type.
Bloody Brilliant!
- Obtain a ninja of every blood type.
- Recruit a ninja with A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, O- blood type.
We're Old!
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are over the age of 35.
- Current Year - 600 - Ninja's Birth Year = Age
- Age 35 doesn't count, Recruit 36 and above only.
- Obtain 5 ninjas that are under the age of 18.
- Current Year - 600 - Ninja's Birth Year = Age
- Age 18 doesn't count, Recruit 17 and below only.
Dirty Dozen
- Obtain a dozen ninjas
- Battle Stats -
Born Winner
- Win your first fight.
- Win your first ten fights.
- Win your first fifty fights.
- Win your first one hundred and fifty fights.
- Win your 10, 50 and 150 first fights with 0 lose.
- Missable! To get this, refer to this guide: Ninja Warz Ultimate Leveling Guide
Hard To Kill
- Win ten fights in a row.
Quite Hard To Kill
- Win one hundred fights in a row.
Insanely Hard to Kill
- Win 250 fights in a row.
Impossible To Kill
- Win 500 fights in a row.
In Need Of A Beating
- Win 1000 fights in a row.
Not Very Good At The Game
- Lose ten fights in a row.
- Optional: Do it when you get your very first lose.
- Remove all weapons, relics and magics then fight someone stronger.
Terrible At The Game
- Lose one hundred fights in a row.
- Same as above
Baby's First Steps
- Win ten fights.
Seasoned Fighter
- Win one hundred fights.
We Did Two Tours Over There
- Win one thousand fights.
Blood On Our Hands
- Win ten thousand fights.
We're Kind Of A Big Deal
- Win one hundred thousand fights.
Combo Breaker
- Break another player's win streak of 25 more more.
C-c-c-combo Breaker
- Break another player's win streak of 100 or more.
- Battle Mode -
The Way Of The Empty Hand
- Defeat an opposing ninja with your bare hands.
- Easily done right after the tutorial.
- Defeat an opposing ninja who's at full health with one hit.
- Battle white belter ninjas.
Flawless Victory
- Defeat an opposing clan without taking any damage.
- Battle white belter ninjas.
By The Skin Of Your Teeth
- Defeat an opposing ninja with a ninja who only has one health remaining.
- Finish off an injured ninja with one blow.
- Defeat an opposing ninja with an onion.
- Equip a Negi and fight any clan.
Fried Shrimp!
- Defeat an opposing ninja with a fried shrimp.
- Equip a Fried Shrimp and fight any clan.
No Performance Enhancing Stones
- Win a fight against another clan with 6 empty relic slots.
- You must have unlocked your 6th relic slot. Unequip them all then fight another clan.
A Band of Naked Ninjas
- Win a fight against another clan with 25 ninjas carrying no weapons.
- You must have 25 ninjas. Unequip all weapons then fight another clan.
Don't Blink!
- Deal a death blow to an enemy ninja while they're blinking.
- Based purely on luck.
- During the course of a battle, invert an enemy ninja's kneecap.
- Based purely on luck.
Surgical Precision
- Perform an appendectomy on an enemy ninja mid-combat.
- Based purely on luck.
Miserable Old Fool!
- Pluck out the eye of an enemy ninja.
- Based purely on luck.
Biting The Hand That Feeds
- Defeat one of the creators of Ninja Warz.
- Defeat this one if you can:
Feed the Poor
- Attack one of the creators of Ninja Warz using only food items as weapons
- Defeat this one if you can:
- Defeat an opposing clan with 1% or less health remaining at the end.
- A difficult one. Try to battle consecutive times without using the hospital.
- Watch/Observe your health closely.
- Deliver the killing blow to a black belt ninja with a white belt ninja.
- Recruit 52/40 white ninjas and train them to level 5.
- Or recruit many white ninjas and equip magics and weapons.
- Defeat this one if you can:
- Defeat an opposing clan that you outnumber two-to-one.
- Best to obtain at early levels by recruiting 1 ninja then defeating a lone ninja.
- Defeat an opposing clan that you outnumber three-to-one.
- Best to obtain at early levels by recruiting 2 ninja then defeating a lone ninja.
Two For One
- Defeat an opposing clan that outnumbers you two-to-one.
- Follow Born Winner Lvl 1-3 of the guide: Ninja Warz Ultimate Leveling Guide
Three For One
- Defeat an opposing clan that outnumbers you three-to-one.
- Defeat an opposing clan that outnumbers you three-to-one.
- Follow Born Winner Lvl 1-3 of the guide: Ninja Warz Ultimate Leveling Guide
Higher Up Beat Down
- Defeat another human player 2 levels above you.
- Defeat another human player 2 levels above you.
Topple Goliath
- Defeat another human player 4 levels above you.
- Defeat another human player 4 levels above you.
Invincible Underdog
- Defeat another human player 10 levels above you.
- Defeat another human player 10 levels above you.
- Follow Born Winner Lvl 1-3 of the guide: Ninja Warz Ultimate Leveling Guide
- Ninja Training -
Black Is Beautiful
- Train a ninja to the level of black belt.
All The Colors Of The Ninja Rainbow
- Have a ninja with every belt color at the same time.
- Start doing this when you have atleast 10 black ninjas. Do it in order.
- Level 31 black belt ninja
- Level 26 brown belt ninja
- Level 21 blue belt ninja
- Level 16 green belt ninja
- level 11 orange belt ninja
- level 6 yellow belt ninja
- level 1 white belt ninja
Quantity Over Quality
- Have 10 white belt ninjas in your clan.
- Recruit 9 white ninjas plus 1 from All The Colors Of The Ninja Rainbow.
Elevated Levels Of Unconjugated Bilirubin
- Have 10 yellow belt ninjas in your clan.
- Level up 9 white ninjas to yellow ninjas plus 1.
Oompa Loompa Doompadee Doo
- Have 10 orange belt ninjas in your clan.
- Level up 9 yellow ninjas to orange ninjas plus 1.
Going Green
- Have 10 green belt ninjas in your clan
- Level up 9 orange ninjas to green ninjas plus 1.
Why So Blue?
- Have 10 blue belt ninjas in your clan.
- Level up 9 green ninjas to blue ninjas plus 1
What Can Brown Do For You?
- Have 10 brown belt ninjas in your clan.
- Level up 9 blue ninjas to brown ninjas plus 1
Dark Army
- Have 10 black belt ninjas in your clan.
- Boss Fights -
- Beat up a small boss-child and steal her lunchbox
- Shows up at your island at level 5.
Tortoise Slayer
- Defeat Genbu, the mighty tortoise of the north.
- Shows up at your island at level 15.
Don't Shoot Lasers With Your Mouth Full
- Defeat Genbu using only food items as weapons.
Weathered the Storm of Swords
- Defeat Tondeiru Josei, a small child with a big sword.
- Shows up at your island at level 25.
- DO NOT sell her Daikatana.
One More Sword In An Inconvenient Place
- Defeat Tondeiru Josei and deal the killing blow with her own sword.
- Unequip all weapons, equip Daikatana to your strongest ninja then fight her again.
- You can fight her again every 24 hours, click on her icon at the fight page between "Enemies" and "Allies".
Master of Machines
- Defeat Mecha-Genbu.
- Shows up at your island at level 35.
Nuclear Arms Race
- Beat Mecha-Genbu after he launches his nuke, but before it lands.
- Focus all your relics and weapons to health for higher survivability.
- Experiment around your weapons and relics for the best timing. Unequip if necessary.
- You can fight boss monsters again every 24 hours, click on it's icon at the fight page between "Enemies" and "Allies".
We Had A Falling Out
- Defeat Mecha-Genbu after surviving his nuclear blast.
- Same as above.
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