Here are some tips and guide on how to level up your alt characters in the open-world MMORPG mobile game Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, available to download from Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS), PC version also available.
Please note that this is not the only way to level up your alt characters. Feel free to grind where you think is best depending on your character's current CP, good luck!
Alt Leveling Guide: Lvl 1 to 20
When To Start Leveling?
- Start once you need more inventory space early game (main character is around Lvl 40).
- Just follow your alt character's main quests until they reach Lvl 20, then stop.
Alt Leveling Guide: Lvl 20 to 40
Lvl 20 to 28, When To Start Leveling?
- Before upgrading your 4* Fire and Earth Weapons! It is best to gather Fire and Earth Upgrade Stones from all of your alts first to reserve your General Weapon Upgrade Stones and Upgrade Stone Selection Chests for later.
Lvl 20 up to Golden Grove (Main Story Quests)
- Just follow your alt character's main quests until they reach Lvl 28 or after getting the upgrade materials below, then stop for now.
- 2 Fire Weapon Upgrade Stones
- 2 Earth Weapon Upgrade Stones
- 10 General Weapon Upgrade Stones
- 15 Armor Upgrade Stones
- 5 Accessory Upgrade Stones
Lvl 28 to 40, When To Start Leveling?
- Start once you need more inventory space early game (main character is around Lvl 60).
- Start if you need more Gold as well.
Go to Eastern Heartlands (Nameless Cave Area)
- Lvl 26 Water monsters, farm Gold and EXP here until you reach Lvl 35 (grab 2~3 mobs).
- The reason why I recommended to stop leveling your alts to Lvl 28 above, is because I want you to take the opportunity to farm lots of Gold here!
- NOTE: If your alt is above Lvl 34, this option is no longer viable because these monsters will no longer give you good drop rates of Gold/Silver Coins and Higgledy Statues.
- TIP: Your Gold gain would depend on your alt's CP (example: using a Lvl 30+ alt character with around 350,000 CP, you should be able to farm 35,000~40,000 Gold every 30 minutes without using potions).
- Also equip "Speed Aura" passive skill to your melee characters for faster move speed.
- TIP: If you have Sweet Drinks (Pink Potions), use it here to increase your Gold gain! Reserve your Energy Drinks (Green Potions) for later, do not use it here.
Go to Chaos Field - Floor 1 (Lvl 36 Water Monsters)
- Grind here until you reach Lvl 38~40 (grab all mobs that you can). Once you reach Lvl 38 or 39, you can also go and advance your main quests if you want more upgrade materials, then come back here to grind more EXP, refer below.
- Bonus Notable Drops = Territes, 1* Water Pages, and Accessory Varnishes.
Advance Your Main Quests
- Do your alt's main quests until you can get the upgrade materials below, then stop for now.
- Serene Forest:
- 5 General Weapon Upgrade Stones, 5 Armor Upgrade Stones, and 3 Accessory Upgrade Stones
- 3 Accessory Upgrade Stones
- 3 General Weapon Upgrade Stones
- 3 Armor Upgrade Stones
- 5 Evolution Fruit Selection Basket

Alt Leveling Guide: Lvl 40 to 60
When To Start Leveling?
- I would recommend boosting your alts once your main character is around Lvl 71~75. Your alts should also be close or around 700,000 CP at this point to make things faster and easier when doing main story quests.
- No inventory space increase at Lvl 60, but you'll get 1,000 Diamonds, lots of Gold, Upgrade Materials, Enhance Materials, and more once you are done.
Do Some Preparations
Ready Your 3* Weapons
- Just level them up to 30 no need to upgrade, would recommend 3* Fire and Earth weapons (get from Lvl 40 Class Upgrade 3* weapon bundle chest).
- If you have 3* Light or Dark weapon/s, also level them up (would recommend crafting at least 1 if you don't have any). When grinding using your main character, always keep all 3* weapons that can be equipped by your alts (dropped by certain Chaos Field monsters).
- Also setup your character's Fire/Earth/Light/Dark decks (weapons, skills, and familiars), equip AoE special skills (also Lvl them up with skill books), and "Speed Aura" passive skill to your melee characters for faster move speed.
Ready Your Food Buffs
- Prepare any Food buffs (solo) that you can craft from your Kingdom, also buy some "Bread" from the Shop using Gold. These items are useful for clearing mobs faster, especially when using Energy Drinks.
- Check your Kingdom's food recipes, would recommend getting "Finest BBQ" (feast section). Set them up inside your kingdom for easy access while grinding in Chaos Fields.
Ready Your Energy Drinks
- Grab 1 Energy Drink every day from the Shop using 50 Diamonds, or get from Daily tasks or in-game events.
- Combo with Food Buffs, would also recommend "manual grinding" if using green potions to maximize the effect.
Where to Grind?
Go to Chaos Field - Floor 2 (Lvl 48 Earth Monsters)
- Grind here until you reach Lvl 51 (grab 2~3 mobs, there are lots of players here but still try to find a good spot, if none go to the next one below if your alt's Lvl is 42 or higher).
- Best use your Food Buffs+Energy Drink if you can always pull 3 mobs here (manual grinding).
- Bonus Notable Drops = Territes, 1* Earth Pages, plus Club Gems and Joker Varnishes for your accessories.
Go to Chaos Field - Floor 2 (Lvl 50 Light or Dark Monsters)
- Grind here (Lvl 50 Light or Dark) until you reach Lvl 55 or 56 (grab 3~4 mobs, EXP is still good even above Lvl 52 if you do manual grinding). Best use your Food Buffs+Energy Drink if you can always pull 3~4 mobs (manual grinding).
- Bonus Notable Drops = Territes, Heart/Diamond Gems, Heart/Diamond Varnishes, and Joker Varnishes.
- TIP: Farm Gems and Varnishes here to Transcend some of your Gems to Lvl 6 or higher!
Go to Chaos Field - Floor 2 (Lvl 52 Light or Dark Monsters)
- This is optional, farm here until you reach Lvl 55 (grab 1~2 mobs). Only go here if you want to farm 1* Light or Dark Pages.
Go to Chaos Field - Floor 3 (Lvl 57 Water Monsters)
- Grind here until you reach Lvl 60 (grab 2~3 mobs near the entrance area (left or right), these monsters are mid ranged but they would still give your alts a lot of EXP if you kill them fast enough).
- Best use your Food Buffs+Energy Drink (manual grinding).
- Bonus Notable Drops = Territes, 1* Water Pages, and Accessory Varnishes.
- NOTE: Once you reach Lvl 56, things would start to go slower so it's best to do your Main Story Quests at this point then come back here to grind the remaining EXP to reach Lvl 60, refer below.
Advance Your Main Quests
- Do your quests until you reach the first DPS checkpoint (Defeat Hector - Glittering Grotto).
- Allegra Plateau:
- 3 Accessory Upgrade Stones
- Cloudcoil Canyon:
- None
- Winter Wonderland:
- 3 Accessory Upgrade Stones (once reached).
- Glittering Grotto:
- x3 3* Tetro Puzzle Selection Packs, and 1* Tetro Puzzles (once reached).
- 5 General Weapon Upgrade Stones
- 5 Armor Upgrade Stones
- 5 Accessory Upgrade Stones
That's it guys, thank you for checking our Alt Characters Leveling Guide for the open-world MMORPG mobile game Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. Available to download from Google Play (Android) and App Store (iOS), PC version also available.