Here's some quick beginners tips, tricks, and strategy guide for the RPG mobile game NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja Blazing.
Summon Re-Rolling Guide
- Your aim here is to re-roll your 1st few summon attempts early game to get powerful ninjas.Your 1st 30 Ninja Pearls Roll (Must Do!)
- After the tutorial with Kakashi, continue with the game until you can gather 30 Ninja Pearls. After that, go and select the "Multi x30" option to get 10 Summon attempts in one go.- If the "Multi x30" option is not available due to special events, look for a similar discounted summon option.
- Note: If you want to go for the featured ninjas that requires 50 Ninja Pearls, that's ok too. Featured Banner ninjas will get higher chance rates.

Ninjas To Aim For?
- Preferably 5* ninjas, or their 4* versions (full list here: Re-Roll Guide and Tier List).- Healers are also an excellent allies for your teams. Ex: Kabuto Yakushi - The Sound's Spy
- If you didn't get any ninjas you like, exit the game then clear your app's data to reset the game.
Other Notes:
- If you want to try another roll after getting your preferred ninjas, you may do so but make sure that you save your USER ID and TRANSFER CODE for that account first.- To check them, go to Other > Data Transfer section.
- Once you are done, save your Ninja Pearls for upcoming Multi Pulls that guarantees a 5* ninja, or a featured ninja that you like.

- Beginner's Early Game Tips -

The Starter Ninjas
Naruto - The Worst Loser
- Decent attacker, but will probably get replaced by one of your re-rolled ninjas.
- Can be used for Emergency Missions that only require Heart element ninjas.
- His 3 Chakra Ninjutsu is also good for Phantom Castle fights.
Iruka - Sympathizer
- Decent healer, can also be used for Phantom Castle teams early game as support or 2nd healer. Useful for Emergency Missions that only require Body element ninjas.

Enter The Phantom Castle Right Away!
Phantom Castle (PvP)
- Yup, always spend those 3 PC Stamina, because they will also get refreshed every time you level up.- "Set Up" your team ("no team cost restriction here"), then choose a player that has the lowest Lvl and/or Points for now, use the "Update" button to refresh the list.
- Note: Even if you lose, you'll still get some Points.
Some Quick Battle Tips:
- The Element Affinities: Check the Elements of your allies and enemies before acting.
- Canceling Moves: Just drag towards your ninja's icon to reset their position.
- For more battle tips, go to Other > Help > Battles in-game.
- Ninjas with healing ninjutsu and/or skill are also great here when done right, especially when you are up against stronger teams with almost 10x your HP (ex: 2 healers and 1 AoE DPS).
- You can also go for an all out attack team (fast DPS low chakra AoE ninjutsus, or high single DPS) and strategy, just don't stack up too close.
Aim for Higher Floor Lvl and Ranks!
- Once you are confident with your team, defeat higher Ranked players, to increase your Rank faster and receive more Points.- Try to reach at least Rank 10,000 by the end of the event period to get the featured ninja. Note that other players can also out rank you while you are offline.

Tips for Story Mode and Emergency Missions
Play Co-op Battles
- As much as possible, use the "Gather Friends" option to get "First Time Bonuses" every after battle. This feature is also a nice way to get some few Ninja Pearls early game.
Stage Conditions
- You can also check the conditions during battle via the "MENU" button. Use this when helping out friends or other players.
Daily Missions
- Note: The day in-game depends on the the server reset time. Days may also be extended due to in-game events.Day | Emergency Missions | |
Monday | Heart Scrolls | Heart Ramen |
Tuesday | Skill Scrolls | Skill Ramen |
Wednesday | Body Scrolls | Body Ramen |
Thursday | Bravery Scrolls | Bravery Ramen |
Friday | Wisdom Scrolls | Wisdom Ramen |
Saturday | Ryo | All Scrolls |
Sunday | Ryo | All Ramen |
Maximize Your Stamina!
- If you still have lots of Stamina left and your EXP bar is around 80%, go and replay Stage 1-1 for example. Choose the "Gather Friends" option to gather more Ninja Pearls from "First Time Bonuses".- Just make sure though that you will not level up while doing this, especially if you want to use your excess Stamina for the next example below.
- If you think you are about to level up, try to use up all of your remaining Stamina in one battle.
- Example: Choose a stage from the Emergency Missions section with 15 or 25 Stamina requirement, instead of the normal Story Mode stages early game. This way you'll be able to get more EXP, Ryo, and other useful Items.
Recommended Allies
Element Based Ninjas
- Keep at least 2 main "Front" ninjas per Element, then 3 "Buddies" of the same element if needed.- Front ninjas can be attackers, tanks, control ninjas, healers and more, depending on your play style.
- Ninjas with Buddy Skill that can decrease the damage of a certain Element. These ninjas are also considered as top tiers in the game!Healers
- Healers are mostly used to help complete stronger stages. Keep all 4* and above ninjas including the starter 3* Iruka as backup healers. If you're trying to complete a higher stage, it is best to select a healer with an Element that is suitable for that stage.- Notable Healers: Kabuto Yakushi - The Sound's Spy, Shizune - Tsunade's Attendant and more.
Support Ninjas
- Keep some ninjas that can reduce the chances of status ailments, you might need them to complete certain stage conditions.Other Notes
- Not all ninjas can be awakened to 5*, because some of them are capped at 4* or 3* especially those that you can get from Summons or Stage Drops.- To check, go to the "Awaken" section and see if they can be upgraded further.

Inventory Full - Solutions and Tips
The Common Ways
- Enhance: Use items or your allies for enhancing your main ninjas. More info and tricks about enhancing and inventory management below this guide.- Release: If you want to Sell certain items for Ryo.
- Expand: Feel free to expand your inventory by using Ninja Pearls, it's ok because all players are doing it.
The Present Box Trick
- Now you have an extra inventory with 80 slots, but keep it below 60 or 70 though for the new items.
- Warning: Items that are 90 days old will automatically get deleted, so watch out.

- Earning and Spending Resources -

Mission Stamina
- Required to play missions.- Restores 1 Stamina every 3 minutes, and will instantly refill once you level up.
- Optional: Use 1 Ninja Pearl to refill your Stamina.
Phantom Castle Stamina
- Required to challenge other players.- Restores 1 Stamina every 1 hour, and will instantly refill once you level up.
- Optional: Use 1 Ninja Pearl to refill your PC Stamina.

Ninja Pearls
How To Get More Free Ninja Pearls
- Daily Login Rewards- Story Chapter Completion Rewards
- First Time Bonuses using the "Gather Friends" Play Style or Multiplayer Team Fight option. Note that this feature is capped at 110 Ninjas Pearls.
- Phantom Castle Rewards
- Limited Time Emergency Missions (if available as reward)
- Special Events (check Present Box), and more.

Friend Points
- Use FP to get more Ramen (EXP Materials) and Gama-chan (Sell for Ryo).
- To learn the best ways to use your Friend Summons, refer to the Enhance Guide below.

How To Get More FP
- "Add and Invite Friends" then use them every time you go into Solo Missions to get higher Friend Points.- If other players will also use your current team's Captain.
- Daily Login Rewards
- One-time stage completion rewards.
- Phantom Castle Rewards (depends on the event)
- Special Events (check Present Box), and more.

Ryo (Gold Coins)
How To Get More Ryo
- Daily Login Rewards- Normal Battle loots.
- One-time stage completion rewards.
- Phantom Castle Rewards
- Weekend Ryo based Emergency Missions
- Friend Point Summons

- Now available from the Friend Point Summons.
- Use the "Release" option to sell these items.

- Ninja Enhancing and Boosting Guide -

Ninja Enhance Guide
- Refer to our separate guide here: Enhance and Boosting Guide
- Tips and Guide for the Enhance feature, +Values, Abilities, Inventory Management and more.

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