Here's the 2nd part of the quick walkthrough guide and tips for the Android and iOS mobile game Hungry Shark World. It will cover XL and above Shark scenarios, notable missions, and locations of sea creatures in the game.
You may refer to the Hungry Shark World: Quick Walkthrough and Missions Guide Part 1 for more Missions or similar missions not found on this Part 2 guide.

- XL Sharks Walkthrough and Missions -

Megamouth Shark (XL)
- Info: The XL Sharks boast a 6x Points Multiplier during Gold Rush.
- Megamouth is the cheapest among the three (60,000 Gold) and has the best Health pool.
- Upgrade Speed to at least 164 and Boost to at least 184, more if you want.
- Level up your Shark to make it bigger and increase it's Health (not the upgrades, just play to increase it's Lvl). Note that new Sharks are somewhat weaker, so take some time to level them up to at least Lvl 10.
Suggested Items and Pets to Buy
Buy the Basic Arctic Map - 5,000 Gold
- Use it to also locate H-U-N-G-R-Y Letters and Daily Chests.
Buy Felix (2nd Pet) - 15,000 Gold
- Pets are your baby shark companions that can also help chomp small fishes around you. Buy Dave from the SHOP to help you get Points.
- You may buy any accessories you might like with Gold or Gems (optional).
- Preferably with -% Health Drain, +% Health or +% Food Bonus.
Farming Gold For the Next Shark
- Next, earn at least 120,000 Gold to 150,000 Gold to buy the next shark.
- Just activate Gold Rush multiple times to earn Gold, Mega Rush too if available.
- You can also hunt for Daily Chests to get even more Gold. Refer here: Pacific Islands Map - Daily Chest Locations and here Arctic Ocean Map - Daily Chest Locations.

Notable Missions
- Unlocked Locations: Pacific Islands and Arctic Oceans ONLY!
- Note: Missions are given at random, so I will only post some of the notable missions here. If you can't find what you are looking for, try to find them (or similar missions) on the other sections of this walkthrough, or ask right away via the comments section.
- Refer here for similar Missions: Quick Walkthrough and Missions Guide Part 1
Earn a Score of 160,000/170,000/200,000/230,000
- One good option is to hunt Blob Fish, they give a nice boost to your Gold Rush bar and Points as well.
- Go inside the sunken ship then activate Gold Rush, move from the top-left to top-right, then down. Use your map to easily navigate around the ship. Grab those Blob Fish, Gem Fish, and all creatures you can grab.
- You should be able to get at least 25k to 35k Points here, but if your Mega Rush also activates after the Gold Rush, you can get around 90,000 Points just by clearing the top area of the sunken ship!

- Use your map to easily navigate around the Volcano.
- You can also access some areas where you can get more Blob Fish and other useful food source. Get them to help fill-up your Gold Rush bar, move to a nice hunting area full of fish then activate.

- New Option: Start Hunting H-U-N-G-R-Y" Letters
- Another option is to collect those H-U-N-G-R-Y Letters, use your Basic Map to locate them. Once activated, your Shark will grow big, giving you infinite Health and Boost, use it to eat all you can! Even better if you can trigger Gold Rush and Mega Rush during HUNGRY Mode!
- You can easily get over 100k Points doing this, make sure that you also include humans above the ground.
Earn 500/520/540 Gold during Gold Rushes
- Just trigger multiple Gold Rushes, best if you can also activate Mega Rush.
Eat 1 Fishing Boat = Located at the left side of the Garbage Dump.
Eat 15 Flying Fish = Refer to the example locations below.

Eat 6 Industrial Workers around the Garbage Dump
- Located at the left side of the sunken Aircraft Carrier, jump on the flat ledge to get them.
- If you missed 1 or 2, just move away and come back once the timer reaches 3 to 4 minutes.
Eat 2 Shark Cages
- Appears near the surface after 3 to 4 minutes, follow the line below and use boost to break the cage. Note that you need to move away first from their re-spawn point before they appear.
- Example Locations: Right below the drop point area. 2 or 1 can be found at the left and/or right side of the sunken Aircraft Carrier near the surface.
- I usually start from the right, either of the 2 there, then swim back to the drop point, it's easier.
Eat 25/30 Small Crabs = Hunt them around rocks near the surface (blue and red crabs).
Eat 8 Smooth Hammerhead Sharks outside the Galleon
- From the start, quickly find 4 of them at the lower right area of the sunken ship, also check below those green jellyfish for the others. Check your mission, if it only recorded 3 or less, better re-start. If this happens a lot, try to lure them near the sunken ship before eating them.
- Next, keep your shark alive and wait until around 4 to 5 minutes. After that, go to the upper left area of the sunken ship near the (X) obstacle to get 2 Smooth Hammerhead Sharks.
- Wait for 6 to 7 minutes, then go back to the lower right area of the sunken ship to get another 2 or 4. Note that these were the first few sharks you grabbed, you just need to wait for them to re-spawn.
Eat 9 Stingrays = Refer to the example locations below.

Eat 5 Turtles around the Island of Heads = Located on top of the left most island, yes those turtles lying around.
Get 4 shoal bonuses from Tuna
- You can find them around wide open areas, make sure to clear them all to get the shoal bonus.
- Example: Above (3) or at the lower right area (1) of the sunken ship.
Have your Pet eat 15 Turtles
- Swim just below the surface and around the rocks to find those turtles, extend to the left most section first, then go right until you are able to complete this task.
- Move without using boosts, unless needed, if you see a turtle, stop and let your pets get them.
- It is also ok to use L Sharks instead, if your XL Shark are way too big for this.
Survive for 1m 30s around the Island of Heads
- Located at the top left most area of the map, the island with turtles, parrots, and humans.
- From the drop point, move there directly and conserve your food to survive longer.
- If you leave, you'll get a message "Leaving Mission Area!", so if you see that, quickly move back.
- Accessories with -% Health Drain, +% Health or +% Food Bonus greatly helps.
Survive for 2m inside the Galleon
- Go directly in there, then only eat fish if you need to restore Health.
Swim 6200m/6300m/6600m/6700m
- Survive by playing safe, keep moving between surfaces and use Boosts whenever possible.
- This is also possible to achieve by triggering multiple Gold Rush. While Gold Rush is active, you have infinite Boost, use that to move faster.
- New Option: Start Hunting H-U-N-G-R-Y" Letters
- Another option is to collect those H-U-N-G-R-Y Letters, use your Basic Map to collect them. Once activated, your Shark will grow big, giving you infinite Health and Boost, use it to move faster.
- Optional: If you failed the task, but you were so close to your goal, you can also use 1 Gem to continue and lock it in. To check your progress, pause the game just after your shark's death.

Earn a Score of 180,000
- Trigger multiple Gold Rush, Mega Rush, and HUNGRY MODE.
- On the lower right area of tha map, you can find Megamouths and lots of Blob Fish. Trigger Gold Rush and move upwards.

- Example Score Combo:
- Below the sunken ship, you can find a group of Blob Fish (left side image).
- Go deeper and swim against the tide to find another one (right side image), move and follow the underground current to the left side to find even more Blob Fish. Ride the next underground current to the left then swim against the tide to reach the lower left area of the map.
- The lower left side corner of the map contains lots of "double headed" sharks, trigger Gold Rush here and move upwards.
Earn 420/440/460 Gold during Gold Rushes
- Just trigger multiple Gold Rushes, best if you can also activate Mega Rush.
Eat 10 Blob Fish = Refer to the "Earn Score" mission above for the locations.
Eat 25 Blue Jellyfish = Can be found almost everywhere.
Eat 4 Emperor Penguins on Thin Ice
- From the drop point, jump directly on the flat surface on the right side, continue until you reach the thin ice. Do no use boost, just continue and eat those penguins.
Eat 3 Gem Fish
- They randomly pop out in the open, check around corners or underwater caves, bottom areas, Blob Fish locations (best), and more.
Eat 25 Humans = Hunt them around the surface, or under the sea.
- Divers can be found near the surface, around the sunken ship, and at the top left area of the map.
Eat 3 Megamouth Sharks = Located at the lower right area of the map.
Eat 6 Narwhal = Located just below the surface.
Eat 15 Patagonian Toothfish = Refer to the example locations below.

Eat 9 Spear Gunners
- Can be found around the sunken ship and at the top left area of the map.
Eat 10 Squids = Refer to the example locations below.

- You can find 1 Spearthrower directly on the left side area from the Drop Point, you need to jump high enough to reach him though.
Eat 4 Villager Spearthrowers around the Village
- From the drop point, go directly to the village on the right side to grab 2 Spearthrowers. Move away and wait for the time to reach 3 to 5 minutes, then go back. Luck based, but just keep trying, you'll get there eventually.
- If you can't survive the 2nd hunt, get your Gold Rush to almost full or collect HUNGRY Letters then go back to hunt the other 2. Accessories with -% Health Drain, +% Health or +% Food Bonus greatly helps.
Eat 9 Villagers = From the drop point, you can get 1 or 2 of them directly on your left, then go to the village on the right side to find more.
Have your Pet eat 10 Crabs
- Check around rocks, if you see a crab, stop and let your pets get it.
- It is also ok to use L Sharks instead, if your XL Shark are way too big for this.
- Note: If for some reason your Pets doesn't eat the crabs, skip this mission. Yes, it's a bug, either because they can't detect the crab or a certain crab isn't present around (Arctic Ocean only has the violet crab, maybe it's missing another type of crab - ignore and wait for updates or skip).
Survive for 8m and 30s/9m
- Play it safe, move between surfaces and only eat humans or any big creatures if you need to restore Health. Level up your Shark to increase Health bar, and get some accessories with -% Health Drain, +% Health or +% Food Bonus.
- As you go, more dangerous creatures will start to appear so be careful. Level up your XL Shark to survive longer (not the upgrades).
- Optional: If you failed the task, but you were so close to your goal, you can also use 1 Gem to continue and lock it in.
Survive for 2m around Puffin Rock
- If you leave, you'll get a message "Leaving Mission Area!", so if you see that, quickly move back. Conserve your food and only grab birds (inside and outside the rock) and some fish nearby if you need to replenish Health. Lure those long blue sharks below the rock and eat them within the mission area. Those sharks on the left side is kinda risky though, even when luring them in.

- XL Shark must be at least round Lvl 18, move there fast and enter the mission area with full Health, and without eating any fish around that rock.
- Accessories with -% Health Drain, +% Health or +% Food Bonus greatly helps.
- Survive by playing safe, keep moving between surfaces and use Boosts whenever possible.
- This is also possible to achieve by triggering multiple Gold Rush. While Gold Rush is active, you have infinite Boost, use that to move faster.
- New Option: Start Hunting H-U-N-G-R-Y" Letters
- Another option is to collect those H-U-N-G-R-Y Letters, use your Basic Map to collect them. Once activated, your Shark will grow big, giving you infinite Health and Boost, use it to move faster.
- Optional: If you failed the task, but you were so close to your goal, you can also use 1 Gem to continue and lock it in. To check your progress, pause the game just after your shark's death.

Activate 12/15 Gold Rushes = Percentage based, just active Gold Rushes.
Collect 6 Hungry Letters = Percentage based, just use Basic Map to locate them.Eat 35 Bits of Junk = Can be found below the village area (Arctic Ocean) or Garbage Dump (Pacific Islands).
Eat 20 Blob Fish = Percentage based, refer to the Earn Score section above (Pacific Islands).
Eat 3 Policemen = Go and hunt them on the surface (Pacific Islands).
Eat 30 Sail Fish = You can find 3 groups around the sunken Aircraft Carrier (Pacific Islands), and another 1 here:

Eat 15 Small Turtles = Percentage based, can be found near the surface (Pacific Islands).
Eat 35 Spider Crabs = Can be found around rocks (Arctic Ocean).
Eat 45 Sting Rays = Refer to the example locations below (Pacific Islands).

Eat 100 Tropical Fish = Hunt them from the Pacific Islands.
Earn 1450/1500/1550/1650/1950/2100 Gold during Gold Rushes = Percentage based, just active Gold Rushes.
Get 100 shoal bonuses = Clear a group of fish to get a shoal bonus. Pets can really help you here.
Swim 19,000m/19,500m/20,000m/22,000m/23,000m = Percentage based, just play normally.

- XXL Sharks Walkthrough and Missions -

*Complete 120 Missions to unlock (!!).
*Buy all 3 XXL Sharks to unlock the (!!) Shark! Good Luck and Happy Hunting Guys.
Thanks for checking our guide!

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