Here's a quick walkthrough and strategy guide for the action RPG third person shooting game - Fantashooting 2. This guide will only cover the Pumpkin Town Stages 41 to 80, and will focus on using Ranger Jenny as the primary Hero. Shepherd Sam is also ok, just follow the guides below too for upgrading.
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- Tips and Hero Preparation -
Refer to the links below for more useful tips and reminders.
- FAQ, Walkthrough, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List
Hero Building Guide: Items and Skills
- Unique Weapon A
- Focus and just upgrade this whenever you can.
- Weapon B (Support Weapon)
- Crude Novice Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand (Get Sapphire at Stage 3). No need to upgrade, just use it to slow down fast moving enemies, then use your main weapon to defeat them (Slow + Unique Weapon Combo).
- This is also a nice escape mechanism, slow them down then go to the open.
- Skill: Just reach 50% of the upgrade level of your Unique Weapon, but for Shepherd Sam users, upgrade your Hounds a little more, about 70% or more of your Unique Weapon's Lvl.
- Bookmark Skills (scroll to the right for more)
- 1: Focus = Cool-down rate increase by 40% (free Diamond slot).
- 2: None for now, focus on upgrading your Unique Weapon first.
- Support and Enhancement
- No need to use any Support or Enhancement items, save your Gold and Diamonds for better use.
- Suggested Farming Stages:
- Suggested Farming Stages: 41,42, 44, and 45 gives around 1,000 Gold (depending on drop chance).
- Stages 51, 57, and 71 are awesome too once you get there, or any stage you like to replay.
- Unique Weapon A
- Focus and just upgrade this whenever you can.
- Weapon B (Support Weapon)
- Crude Novice Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand (Get Sapphire at Stage 3). No need to upgrade, just use it to slow down fast moving enemies, then use your main weapon to defeat them (Slow + Unique Weapon Combo).
- This is also a nice escape mechanism, slow them down then go to the open.
- Skill: Just reach 50% of the upgrade level of your Unique Weapon, but for Shepherd Sam users, upgrade your Hounds a little more, about 70% or more of your Unique Weapon's Lvl.
- Bookmark Skills (scroll to the right for more)
- 1: Focus = Cool-down rate increase by 40% (free Diamond slot).
- 2: None for now, focus on upgrading your Unique Weapon first.
- Support and Enhancement
- No need to use any Support or Enhancement items, save your Gold and Diamonds for better use.
- Suggested Farming Stages:
- Suggested Farming Stages: 41,42, 44, and 45 gives around 1,000 Gold (depending on drop chance).
- Stages 51, 57, and 71 are awesome too once you get there, or any stage you like to replay.
- Pumpkin Town Stages 41 to 80 (Notable Stages: Boss Fights) -
Pumpkin Town Stage 41
- Unlocked Heroes: Purple Rope Ellen and Shooter Gina.
- Both are great but I would still suggest that you stick with your current Hero to unlock more greater Heroes.
Pumpkin Town Stage 43
- Exclusive Weapon +14 (Tier 3 Weapon +2)
- Unique Skill Lv 7.
- Try to eliminate all pumpkin plants before they sprout out more. Watch out for their homing roots.
Pumpkin Town Stage 44
- Unlocked Heroes: Noble John and Pumpkin Parker.
- Both are great too, but I would still suggest that you stick with your current Hero to unlock more greater Heroes.
Pumpkin Town Stage 45
- This is a nice farming stage, including Stages 41,42, and 44. I suggest you buff up your weapons and skills here first before proceeding to the next stages. Come back here if you need to get more Gold for upgrades.
- Aim for Exclusive Weapon +20 (Tier 4 Weapon +2) and Unique Skill Lv 10.
Pumpkin Town Stage 46
- Exclusive Weapon +20 (Tier 4 Weapon +2)
- Unique Skill Lv 10.
- Jumping Giant Pumpkins: You must use Dash and move away every time it starts to jump to avoid it's wide Area of Effect. If you see it burning, move further away because it will dash towards you.
- Use your Crude Novice Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand to slow down enemies chasing you, then hit them with your main weapon.
Pumpkin Town Stage 50
- Exclusive Weapon +20 (Tier 4 Weapon +2)
- Unique Skill Lv 10.
- Should be easy, just dodge Chiblins' ("Chicken - Goblin") projectile attacks.
- If needed, use your Crude Novice Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand to slow down those chiks.
Pumpkin Town Stage 53
- Exclusive Weapon +20 (Tier 4 Weapon +2)
- Unique Skill Lv 10.
- Same with Stage 50 above.
Pumpkin Town Stage 56
- Exclusive Weapon +21 (Tier 4 Weapon +3)
- Unique Skill Lv 10.
- Bats are fast, but this should be easy since you have a nice upgraded weapon. Use your Crude Novice Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand if necessary.
Pumpkin Town Stage 60
- Exclusive Weapon +24 (Tier 5 Weapon +0)
- Unique Skill Lv 12.
- Note: If a boss monster stops chasing you, it will use it's skill.
- Keep moving and keep your ditance from the Bat King to avoid it's projectile attacks (summons bats). Note that it's bats will chase you after they are used as projecticle attacks, so move to the sides and don't go near them. After that, defeat all bats first and use your skills wisely to hit and defeat the boss here.
- If you are having trouble, upgrade your weapons and/or skill. Stage 57 is a nice farming stage at this moment.
Pumpkin Town Stage 63
- Exclusive Weapon +25 (Tier 5 Weapon +1)
- Unique Skill Lv 12.
- Orcs! They are tough and somewhat fast, so use your Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand to slow them down, move away then attack using your main.
- Stay away from those Bombs, use slow or dash away. Try to defeat Orcs that are holding crossbows to deal auto-damages to those Orcs, or use slow on those bombs, then explode it once the Orcs are near them.
- Quickly eliminate all plants and lesser Orcs to give you more space for the Orc Boss.
- If you are having trouble, upgrade your weapons and/or skill. Stage 57 is a nice farming stage at this moment. Stage 61 is also ok with 20 Stamina per game.
Pumpkin Town Stage 66
- Exclusive Weapon +25 (Tier 5 Weapon +1)
- Unique Skill Lv 12.
- Watch out and avoid projectile attacks (rocks), keep your distance from those rock throwers, and use slow + unique weapon combo to deal damage before they use their skill.
- Quickly detonate bombs, or use slow on them, then try to detonate together with other enemies nearby.
Pumpkin Town Stage 70
- Exclusive Weapon +26 (Tier 5 Weapon +2)
- Unique Skill Lv 13.
- The Orc Raider boss here is super tanky with it's shield on, just use slow + unique weapon combo if they are near, do this until the Orc boss drops it's shield. Try to defeat Orcs that are holding crossbows to deal auto-attacks into those group of Orcs.
- Include Stage 66 strategy. If you need to farm Gold, replay Stage 69, 61, or 57.
Pumpkin Town Stage 71
- Nice farming stage, Orcs will drop 500+ Gold Coins.
Pumpkin Town Stage 73
- Exclusive Weapon +27 or better (Tier 5 Weapon +3 or better)
- Unique Skill Lv 13.
- Goblins here will throw out lots of bombs, the good news is, you can hit them, so just keep away, sweep all mini bombs, and use slow + unique weapon combo.
- If you are having trouble, upgrade your weapons and/or skill. Stage 71 is a nice farming stage.
Pumpkin Town Stage 76
- Exclusive Weapon +28 or better (Tier 5 Weapon +4 or better)
- Unique Skill Lv 14.
- Jumping Giant Pumpkins: You must use Dash and move away everytime one of them starts to jump to avoid it's wide Area of Effect. If you see them burning, move further away because it will dash towards you.
- Use your Crude Novice Frozen Arrow or Ice Wand to slow down enemies chasing you, then hit them with your main weapon.
- Might be helpful if you clear all lesser monsters first before the 3 giant pumpkins.
Pumpkin Town Stage 78
- Unlocked Hero: Clown Carlo!
- Hero is ok, I just don't prefer Normal attack speeds for auto-attacks even though they have AoE or double damage effect...
Pumpkin Town Stage 79
- Unlocked Hero: Bully Bob!
- Also an ok Hero, his passive skills are somewhat situational though.
Pumpkin Town Stage 80
- Exclusive Weapon +29 or better (Tier 5 Weapon +5 or better)
- Unique Skill Lv 15 or better.
- First you will be encountering some bosses from the previous Stages like Bat King and Orcs, just keep your distance and use same strategy, slow + unique weapon combo.
- The Lord of Pumpkins: Summons pumpkins to slow you down, and bats to attack you. Like always, keep your distance and attack the boss after clearing lesser enemies around.
- If you are having trouble, upgrade your weapons and/or skill. Stage 71 is a nice farming stage.
Ready For the Next Area? Go Here:
- Ocean of Trees Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
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