Here's a game guide on how to start the game using multiple beast cards in the Action RPG puzzle card game - Tower of Saviors, available on Android Google Play and iOS App Store (mobile devices). We all know that 1 Starter card cannot form a great team, so one good way for a free user to get some nice team cards early game is to do the hard way - "Trial and Error".
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- Recommended Method for Beast Team - Free Users (F2P)! -
Why Trial and Error?
- Aside from drawing a starter beast card after the tutorial, your aim is to play through the early stages of the game to grab some free Diamonds, then use them to draw notable beast cards from the Diamond Seal.
- It's not 100% that you'll get the cards you need so you might need to do re-rolls or restarts ("trial and error"), but this guide will increase your chances.
- Please read this guide first to learn how to do resets or re-rolls. It will also cover some Beast related information and tips:
- Tower of Saviors: Reset and Re-Rolling Guide for Starting Cards - Best for Free Users
Why Beasts?
- Beasts are so common, so it's prefect for this method. Even if you will draw 3*, 4*, 5* beast cards, it doesn't matter, as long that you draw a Beast, that's great. Believe me, this time you'll want your Diamond Seal draws to be 3* Silver or 4* Gold, because they have higher chances to give Beast cards.
- Recommended "Core" Beast Cards To Get -
Aim for any of the cards below as your starting beast card, then continue on with this method. Yup, it's hard but this is the best way to start the game with more beast cards at hand. You don't want to get stuck at somewhere because you only have 1 Beast card with common Wolves as team members...
- It's ok if you drew their lower or higher rarity versions (3* Silver or 4* Gold) to give you a wider card selection and higher chance to complete what you need to accomplish here.
- Go here to check their Other Rarity Versions - Name and Card Art.
Offensive Leaders/Attack Modifier Cards:
Great Schema of Dark (GSoD) or Great Schema of Light (GSoL)
Mighty King or King of Demon Bull (same cards just different versions 5* and 6*)
Support Members/Converters:
[Tier-1]: Baphomet, Medusa Fatale, Underworld Cerberus, or Griffin King
[Tier-2]: Great Schema of Fire (GSoF), Great Schema of Earth (GSoE),
Tefnut, Ra, or Cthulhu
Why Are They Grouped That Way?
- For the support members, the top grouped monsters [Tier-1] are the ones I recommend most because they are very useful and only obtainable from Diamond Seals. [Tier-2] are also great, but it's ok to get them later (if you drew any of them it's ok).
- There are more other beast cards out there, if you drew any of them, it's ok, just go on but follow the recommended combinations below. Note that I didn't include event only beast cards.
- As you go on through the game, YES, you'll need most of them for Boss battles at higher levels, but this time, just aim for at least 2 of them, the more, the better so you will have easier time farming or getting the others later.
- The ones I greatly recommend are GSoD, GSoF, Baphomet and Cerberus (see guide's featured pic above).
When Should I Stop?
- After 2 to 4 card draw attempts (including first Seal card draw), more if you like.
- Rumors: Some players told me that, it's kinda better to do this non-stop, do not exit the game to get higher chance to draw 3* or 4* cards, because most of the time it's a beast card.
Recommended Combinations (including first Seal card)
- At least 1 Offensive Leader (try to get GSoD) and 1 [Tier-1] beast.
- At least 2 [Tier-1] beasts!
- At least 1 [Tier-1] beast and 1 [Tier-2] beast.
- Combinations that are also OK: ("the more, the better!")
- At least 1 Offensive Leader and 1 or more [Tier-2] beast/s.
- At least 2 Offensive Leaders, (except 2 GSoL beasts though).
- At least 3 [Tier-2] beasts.
- Special Conditions:
- In case you drew Fox Queen Daji, Fox de Vil or any 6* card you like, just continue making draws, or bind your game to one of your Facebook accounts if you decide to create a new one.
- Otherwise, if you don't like all card draws, I suggest you restart this method. Don't worry you'll get there, Good Luck! ^^
- Tips to Remember While Playing -
- Play through the game, probably around or until you Unleash the Second Seal (Boss: Sirius of Solar Eclipse and Sirius of Lunar Eclipse), go on if you like though, it's your decision where to end the run.
Friends and Allies
- Send friend requests to all the Allies you hired after every battle, try to add 50 friends to your friends list to get lots of points for "Friend Point Seal" draws later.
- Accept or Add all allies using beasts, especially the commonly used ones: GSoD (or other beasts with Beast Attack +% Leader Skill) and GSoF (any rarity, with nice CD), you'll need them to survive tough battles and Boss fights at higher stages or floors.
- Use your friend's ally once a day, to get 10 points, Adventurers will give you 5 points, and simply by logging-in everyday will net you friend points.
Team Management
- Add all available Beasts you can fit into your current "Team Cost", if you didn't draw any Offensive Leader, farm wolves with different attribute than your other beast members, then assign that wolf as your team Leader. Get GSoD or GSoL as soon as possible.
- If you have an offensive Beast Leader, then assign your wolves as team member/s. Lvl Up and Evolve them all as you go on.
- Wolf Azure: Glacial Iceberg > Hollow Citadel of Water > Underwater Wolf
- Wolf Bloodshot: Afire Volcano > Hollow Citadel of Fire > Wolf in Flames
- Wolf Lush: Misted Woodland > Hollow Citadel of Earth > Wolf in the Woods
- Wolf Brighton: Holylight Palace > Hollow Citadel of Light > Cry of the Wolf
- Wolf Ebon: Dark Cove > Hollow Citadel of Darkness > Howl of Wolf Shadow
- To learn more about Evolutions and where to get their required Elements, go here: Tower of Saviors: Evolution Guide - Where to Get Evolution Materials and Farming Locations
Earning Diamonds (quick and easy sources)
- Only use your Diamonds for drawing cards, 20 slots of inventory is good enough for this method.
- How to Farm or Get Free Diamonds - Early Game Farming Guide
Having Inventory Space Problem?
- Only use your Diamonds for drawing cards, 20 slots of inventory is good enough for this method. Add space only if you decide to continue with your current beast cards.
- If you need space, combine common monsters (Slimes, Gnomes, Elves, Salamanders, Wolves, and Witches) then feed them to level up your beasts or other main cards. For more info on how to effectively combine monsters and level up your main cards, go here:
- Tower of Saviors: Leveling and Combining Guide for Monster Cards and Player Level
- If you still need space, Decompose common cards, or just feed them to any of your main cards, regardless of their attributes. Keep non-common cards like cards from Diamond Seals.
- Cards with "For Evolve" as Race Type: Just keep at least 1 of each kind. Check the Evolution requirements of your main cards to see how many cards you need to keep for future use.
- Cards with "For Lvl Up" as Race Type: Either feed them directly to your main cards or to common cards like Witches for better EXP output.
- A little advice, "Bookmark" your main cards to avoid mistakenly selling, leveling up or evolving your favorite monsters.
What To Do Next?
- Go here for the next walkthrough guide: Tower of Saviors: Tips and Walkthrough Guide - How to Defeat Seal Bosses With Beast Team
Related Tower of Saviors Tips & Guides:
Tower of Saviors: Reset and Re-Rolling Guide for Starting Cards - Best for Free Users
Tower of Saviors: How to Farm or Get Free Diamonds - Early Game Farming Guide
Tower of Saviors: Leveling and Combining Guide for Monster Cards and Player Level
Tower of Saviors: Evolution Guide - Where to Get Evolution Materials and Farming Locations
Tower of Saviors: Quick Leveling Guide for Active Skills and CD
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