Ragnarok Online: Valkyrie Uprising: Sunken Ship Dungeon VVVS Monster Item Drops

       The drop list below will only cover items dropped by VVVS monsters found in the Sunken Ship Instance Dungeon, and will focus more on Rank 4 Purple Items since they are the most used or sold items in the game.

       To enter the Sunken Ship Instance Dungeon, follow this route: Valder Map > Valder Southbound Trail > Silent Forest > Silent Valley > Silent Plain > Cocytus Swamp > Old Ferry. Talk to the Sunken Ship Dungeon NPC (refer below) to go inside.

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- Sunken Ship 1F VVVS Monsters: Item Drops -

VVVS Pirate Skel
Lvl 65
Rank 4 (Purple) Legendary Item Drops:

Lord's Clothes: Lvl: 64 (Armor) Equip: Mage Class
     - DEF: 30 MDEF: 43 | AGI +6, INT +12

Mithril Magic Mant.: Lvl: 63 (Manteau) Equip: Mage Class
     - DEF: 9 MDEF: 25 | INT +8, MaxSP +70

VVVS Berserk Tarou
Lvl 66
Rank 4 (Purple) Legendary Item Drops:

Platinum Dfndr: Lvl: 65 (Shield) Equip: Swordsman Class
     - DEF: 46 MDEF: 32 | VIT +11, DEF +16

Wild Boots: Lvl: 66 (Shoes) Equip: Swordsman Class
     - DEF: 16 MDEF: 16 | Flee +4, Movement Speed

Sleipnir: Lvl: 66 (Shoes) Equip: Acolyte Class
     - DEF: 9 MDEF: 9 | STR +4, INT +4

Sunken Ship 2F VVVS Monsters: Item Drops -

VVVS Plague Zombie
Lvl 67
Rank 4 (Purple) Legendary Item Drops:

Bloody Eater: Lvl: 66 (Two-Handed Sword)  Equip: Swordsman Class
     - ATK: 209 MATK: 0% | AGI +12, ASPD +16

Ascetic Mant.: Lvl: 68 (Manteau) Equip: Acolyte Class
     - DEF: 12 MDEF: 9 | INT +5, SPR +3

VVVS Sergeant Skel
Lvl 68
Rank 4 (Purple) Legendary Item Drops:

Wolf Claw: Lvl: 66 (Armor) Equip: Swordsman Class
     - DEF: 80 MDEF: 40 | VIT +8, DEF +22

Eagle Wing Cape: Lvl: 67 (Manteau) Equip: Swordsman Class
     - DEF: 25 MDEF: 17 | STR +8, AGI +8

Sunken Ship Captain's Cabin VVVS Monsters: Item Drops -

VVVS Guard Skel
Lvl 64
Rank 4 (Purple) Legendary Item Drops:

Veteran Sword: Lvl: 60 (Two-Handed Sword)  Equip: Swordsman Class
     - ATK: 195 MATK: 0% | Earth extra Damage 10%, Wind extra Damage 10%

Goddess Brooch: Lvl: 62 (Accessory) Equip: Acolyte Class
     - DEF: 4 MDEF: 6 | STR +4, INT +4

VVVS Happy Skel
Lvl 69
Rank 4 (Purple) Legendary Item Drops:

Circle Light: Lvl: 68 (Armor) Equip: Acolyte Class
     - DEF: 48 MDEF: 24 | STR +9, Flee +5

Lvl 74
Item Drops:

     - Item drop chances varies per item, but percentage chances can be increased
by joining or creating a full party.

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